Fontain is a simple Ace3 addon to give you a highly configurable set of controls over your UI's font choices.
You can set a master font for your whole UI, and even override SharedMedia so that all addons that use SharedMedia will use your selected font. Additionally, you have fine-grained control over every font in your UI, with a powerful wildcard matching system.
For example, if you want to set your master font to "Calibri", but want your tooltips all in "Bazooka", you could set the font for GameTooltip as you see fit, and all font strings that match GameTooltip* will be updated, including all derivatives. While this is often already done via inheritance, it does catch a number of outlying cases, giving you very powerful control over your UI's font selections.
One more issue popped up:
1x fontain\Fontain-1.0.lua:66: attempt to index local 'meta' (a boolean value)
[string "@fontain\Fontain-1.0.lua"]:66: in function <fontain\Fontain.lua:47>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@Ace3\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0-13.lua"]:70: in function <Ace3\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:65>
[string "@Ace3\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0-13.lua"]:527: in function `EnableAddon'
[string "@Ace3\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0-13.lua"]:630: in function <Ace3\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:615>
For some reason getmetatable returns a boolean value instead of a table so an additional check for table type should address this. This can be fixed by editing Fontain.lua and replacing line 66:
No issues with this going forward and all fonts pop up as they should.
In addition, there seems to be a bogus library embed in embeds.xml. Simply remove line 16:
In reply to Dranni21312:
Doing this breaks Fontain for me.
In reply to ChampagneMaki:
This sounds like a syntax error. __index is a property of meta. So first check if meta is nill, then check if type of meta is "table", then proceed with all the other checks. To be precise, the for loop starting in line 61 should look like this:
In reply to Dranni21312:
did everything as you wrote, but there is nothing in the single font override tab. what could be the problem? the addon does not issue errors and I use the RU local.
In reply to Dranni21312:
thank you so much for this :D
In reply to Dranni21312:
Any clue how to fix this for BCC Phase 3? It's doing this same thing and I previously used it with the fix you provided for over a year.
In reply to Dranni21312:
Any clue how to fix this for BCC Phase 3? It's doing this same thing and I previously used it with the fix you provided for over a year.
In reply to Dranni21312:
"Single Font Overide" list does not load as of Phase 3 BCC - Your previous fix worked for over a year. Any clues?
In reply to Dranni21312:
"Single Font Overide" list does not load as of Phase 3 BCC - Your previous fix worked for over a year. Any clues?
In reply to MakiWoi_:
Make the following changes to resolve the issues with Single Font Override
Redacted to avoid confusion
See instead
In reply to fraukebetz:
Hey this does fix the single font override, but it's replaced the actual list with fonts (not the subjects of what you're trying to change) and also doesn't load profiles.
In reply to fraukebetz:
In reply to MakiWoi_:
Ahh my mistake, I'll take another look at this and get back to you
In reply to fraukebetz:
Thank you, you are a legend
In reply to MakiWoi_:
Make the following changes:
Adjust line 145 to the following
Adjust the function starting on line 109 called setFont to the following:
Let me know if this works
In reply to fraukebetz:
I don't have a line 187 in Fontain.lua, it's last line is line 158?
In reply to MakiWoi_:
Sorry had some utilities that threw the line numbers off, I've updated the post. This might be easier if I provide a github repo or gist so you can just download the code. Let me know if that would be easier
In reply to fraukebetz:
Hi thank you for the edit; I added the code changes and it still isn't working, it must be because over the years fans of the project have added different code here and there. If you could upload the addon as a whole to Github i'd love to download and test it!
In reply to MakiWoi_:
Awesome, I have created, please let me know if this works for you