Create panels for customizing your UI, sucessor to eePanels
OnClick now provides a pressed and released variable you can check for.
if pressed then -- do mouse down actions elseif released then -- do mouse up actions end
This means your script will get called twice when someone clicks the panel.
Here is a youtube link to a video Tutorial
Ive created an Example Texture Pack.
This example pack is just a template. If you want to use it as a storage spot for your art, look at the read me file for directions on usage.
I'm having a bit of trouble getting a background to auto resize behind the quest/objective log, I've tried the following script with no luck.
if not self.resized then
ObjectiveTrackerFrame:SetScript("OnSizeChanged", function(f)
self:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", ObjectiveTrackerFrame, "TOPLEFT", -20, 20)
self:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", ObjectiveTrackerFrame, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 35, 20)
Does anyone know where I've gone wrong?
details and screenshots here:
In reply to Erpgore: Figured it out, was anchoring to the wrong element, this works if you place in both OnUpdate and OnSizeChanged
if not self.resized then
QuestObjectiveTracker:SetScript("OnSizeChanged", function(f)
self:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", QuestObjectiveTracker, "TOPLEFT", -15, 45)
self:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", QuestObjectiveTracker, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 10, -20)
Step-by-Step Guide to Fix KG Panels After Patch 11.0.2
If your `/kgpanels config` command isn't working after the 11.0.2 update, follow this guide to manually fix the issue by editing the kgPanels.lua file.
Step 1: Install a Code Editor
You’ll need a code editor to modify the kgPanels.lua file. A good free option is Code Writer, which you can download from the Microsoft Store. Here's how:
1. Open the Microsoft Store on your PC.
2. Search for "Code Writer" and install it.
3. Once installed, launch Code Writer.
Step 2: Find the kgPanels.lua File
Next, you need to locate the file within your World of Warcraft directory:
1. Navigate to your World of Warcraft installation folder. By default, it is usually located here:
- C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\_retail_\Interface\AddOns\kgPanels
2. Inside the kgPanels folder, look for the file named `kgPanels.lua`.
3. Right-click on `kgPanels.lua` and choose Open with Code Writer.
Step 3: Edit the File
Now you will modify two lines in the kgPanels.lua file:
1. Scroll down to line 632. It should contain the following:
- local loaded = IsAddOnLoaded("kgPanelsConfig")
Change this line to:
- local loaded = C_AddOns.IsAddOnLoaded("kgPanelsConfig")
2. Scroll further down to line 637, which should contain:
- loaded, reason = LoadAddOn("kgPanelsConfig")
Change this line to:
- loaded, reason = C_AddOns.LoadAddOn("kgPanelsConfig")
Step 4: Save the Changes
Once you've made the changes:
1. Go to the top-left corner of Code Writer.
2. Click on the Save icon to save the edited file.
Step 5: Test in World of Warcraft
Now, log back into World of Warcraft:
1. After saving the changes, you can simply type `/kgpanels config` in the chat, and the configuration menu should pop up immediately without needing to click the add-on on the mini-map.
2. If the button is missing and you use an add-on like Bazooka, you can also enable the kgPanels plugin to place a button on your bar for future access, but this is not necessary to access the menu after the fix.
By following these steps, you can fix the issue with KG Panels after the 11.0.2 patch, allowing the add-on to load properly again. It's a simple process, and once done, you'll be able to configure KG Panels without any further issues.
Hi, I was wondering if there was a way to anchor a frame to individual raid frames instead of just the whole outline where the normal border would be, had a look but wasn't able to find anything, Thanks
*UPDATE* I can confirm that if you go into kgPanels.lua and change lines 632 and 637 to what Aur0r491 said to do kgPanels will open and allow you to add or fix your textures. It is easy to do and will do a step by step on how to fix the issue. The first thing you need to do is go to the Microsoft Store and download a app called "Code Writer" its free and easy to use. Now you don't have to be a code writer to use it as I am not one. once downloaded open it then open the kgPanels.lua folder using Code Writer it will have a number before each line so it will be easy to find the correct lines to fix. Once you find line 632 open and replace all instances of "IsAddOnLoaded" with C_AddOns.IsAddOnLoaded("kgPanelsConfig" after 'local loaded =' once you are done with that go to line 637 and replace all instances with C_AddOns.LoadAddOn("kgPanelsConfig") after 'loaded, reason =' then up in the top Left corner click on icon and click save, Then sign into WoW. If you have a kgPanels button on your mini Map click on it and it should open. If you don't ( which I didn't) or it won't open and if you have the Bazooka addon go in and enable the kgPanels plugin it will put an kgPanels icon on your bar kgPanels will open it might sound like alot of steps and or a headache it really isn't its pretty easy.
Any word when this will be fixed still un able to open kgPanels and hate using Blizz UI art work
In reply to Estes0171: It says the addon has been updated the 21st of august, which it hasn't, maybe he forgot to upload the files. Let's hope it just means that he's in the process of updating it.
In reply to Li_to_the_an: Yeah I applied the latest file that was added a week ago but still unable to open the configuration so right now I'm using a addon called Discord art which will allow you to add textures to the UI but it kinda sucks everything has to be perfectly square or Rectangle and there can't be any transparent background or it will show up in came as a black frame around the texture but it will do until kg is updated
I have been playing g since TBC and anytime a new Xpac comes out except for addons not to work yes it kinda sucks that my te textures went missing from my UI and unable to use KGPanels atm but since using it since Shadowlands this is the first time I have run into this issue people need to understand that Blizz made alot of changes this Xpac to thier UI so an addon like KGPanels might take time to fix the codes and maybe the Author has a day job and can't sit there and work on it all day like I said it sucjs because it ain't working atm but I'd rather wait til it's fixed than not have it because there Really isn't anything els out there like it
Will this be fixed before the release of TWW in 2 days? If not I will have to redo my setups before then. It defaulted all my characters to one layout and that one layout does not match my main or any other healer as it is a dps setup.
Would be nice if the creator could like tell us if its not gonna get updated, or if they are working on it...?
In reply to chiruu:
After using this since 2010 I now uninstalled because this is not the first time updates has been late. I figured out how to make a weak aura that does the trick.
Since 11.0.2 config is not opening.
I've fixed it by changing the following lines in kgPanels.lua:
line 632
local loaded = C_AddOns.IsAddOnLoaded("kgPanelsConfig")
line 637
loaded, reason = C_AddOns.LoadAddOn("kgPanelsConfig")
In reply to Aur0r491: I just got back from a week vacation and when I signed into WoW I noticed my textures are gone and am unable to open Kgpanels. You mentioned that since 11.0.2 had an issue opening that you have changed some stuff but I am not seeing a 11.0.2 update only update I can find is for 10.2.7 is 11.0.2 available or is it in the works?
In reply to Estes0171: 11.0.2 was related to the Version of World of Warcraft. Since WoW 11.0.2 the config was buggy. When you change the lines from my previous post, you can enter the config again.
so the Addon has been updated but nothing else? I have used KGpanels off and on since the beginning of time (ok not really) but the issue is addon up to date no clue on how to use it as everything you find on the overview is 15 yrs old as well as everything you find online, and I know it has been updated at least by 2 Addon Authors since then and somethings have changed, so although the addon is up to date there are no good instructions on how to use it. And it seems as though moonfann the current Listed Author is not even checking these Comments.
In reply to Kellogg10: There are a few good YouTube videos that gives you step by step instructions also this site is also good I used it when learning to use KGPanels first thing you'll,manipulate the textures you import.
Does anyone know a similar addon to this one that's actually being updated, supported, and, you know, works?
In reply to Taliyah9: The only similar addon I know of is Weakauras. But I get ya and I've been looking myself.
In reply to Taliyah9: I also am looking for an alternative! I love this mod and wish it was up to date. You would think with as many downloads it has it would be kept current.
Is there a way to hide a panel depending on certain conditions like, being on a vehicle?