[Feature request] totem bars included by default for warlocks #1301

  • Enhancement
  • professionaltart created this issue Aug 24, 2020

    I found it a relatively easy way to keep track of demon timers when playing my Demonology Warlock to setup the aura module for them.


    In Totems.lua, under --constants--, I added the following code:

    elseif player_class == "WARLOCK" then
    		104317, -- Hand of Gul'Dan Wild Imps (Demo)
    		104316, -- Dreadstalkers (Demo)
    		267211, -- Bilescourge Bombers (Demo)
    		265187, -- Demonic Tyrant (Demo)


    Once I had inserted the code and saved the file and reloaded the game client, I was able to enable the Totems module in PB4.



    This successfully tracks the Demonic Tyrant, and Dreadstalkers - each Dreadstalker gets an aura icon, so two for a normal rotation, but if they're extended with Demonic Tyrant then 4 will be up at one time, showing 3 aura icons for Dreadstalkers and one for the Tyrant.


    This does not actually show the Bilescourge bombers or any wild imps spawned by Hand of Gul'dan.  I'm not sure if they're using a different spellid or if they don't spawn things that can be easily tracked. 

  • professionaltart added a tag Enhancement Aug 24, 2020

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