Issue with Party Frames - Help please (WotLK Classic) #1413

  • sinhara created this issue Mar 9, 2023

    Message: PitBull4_PlayerModel_3:SetModel(): Invalid model file: FileData ID 0
    Time: Thu Mar 9 18:52:45 2023
    Count: 1
    Stack: PitBull4_PlayerModel_3:SetModel(): Invalid model file: FileData ID 0
    [string "@Interface/AddOns/PitBull4/UnitFrame.lua"]:792: in function `Update'
    [string "@Interface/AddOns/PitBull4/UnitFrame.lua"]:818: in function `UpdateGUID'
    [string "@Interface/AddOns/PitBull4/UnitFrame.lua"]:350: in function <Interface/AddOns/PitBull4/UnitFrame.lua:346>
    [string "=[C]"]: in function `Show'
    [string "@Interface/FrameXML/SecureStateDriver.lua"]:83: in function <Interface/FrameXML/SecureStateDriver.lua:73>
    [string "@Interface/FrameXML/SecureStateDriver.lua"]:137: in function <Interface/FrameXML/SecureStateDriver.lua:119>

    Locals: self = PitBull4_Groups_PartyUnitButton1 {
    0 = <userdata>
    populated = true
    guid = "Player-4667-00AA7192"
    UnwrapScript = <function> defined @Interface/FrameXML/SecureHandlers.lua:788
    layout_db = <table> {
    ProxySetAttribute = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/PitBull4/UnitFrame.lua:132
    UnforceShow = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/PitBull4/Main.lua:583
    RoleIcon = PitBull4_Icon_2 {
    is_wacky = false
    RefreshVehicle = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/PitBull4/UnitFrame.lua:490
    IterateControlsOfType = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/PitBull4/UnitFrame.lua:867
    layout = "Player"
    PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/PitBull4/GroupHeader.lua:1614
    UpdateBestUnit = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/PitBull4/UnitFrame.lua:729
    ForceShow = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/PitBull4/Main.lua:583
    UpdateGUID = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/PitBull4/UnitFrame.lua:806
    Rename = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/PitBull4/UnitFrame.lua:668
    RefreshLayout = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/PitBull4/Main.lua:583
    GetFont = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/PitBull4/UnitFrame.lua:719
    Portrait = PitBull4_Frame_19 {
    Execute = <function> defined @Interface/FrameXML/SecureHandlers.lua:777
    Update = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/PitBull4/UnitFrame.lua:753
    unit = "party1"
    SetFrameRef = <function> defined @Interface/FrameXML/SecureHandlers.lua:793
    PowerBar = PitBull4_BetterStatusBar_5 {
    RefixSizeAndPosition = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/PitBull4/GroupHeader.lua:1655
    WrapScript = <function> defined @Interface/FrameXML/SecureHandlers.lua:782
    HealthBar = PitBull4_BetterStatusBar_6 {
    UpdateLayout = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/PitBull4/UnitFrameLayout.lua:1553
    UpdateConfigAnchorLine = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/PitBull4/Main.lua:583
    overlay = PitBull4_Frame_7 {
    RecheckConfigMode = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/PitBull4/UnitFrame.lua:627
    SetClickThroughState = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/PitBull4/Main.lua:583
    _RefreshLayout = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/PitBull4/UnitFrame.lua:509
    header = PitBull4_Groups_Party {
    classification_db = <table> {
    IterateControls = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/PitBull4/UnitFrame.lua:840
    classification = "Party"
    is_singleton = false
    same_guid = false
    update_layout = nil
    classification_db = <table> {
    vertical_spacing = 60
    direction = "down_right"
    relative_to = "0"
    scale = 0.800000
    vehicle_swap = true
    relative_point = "TOPLEFT"
    units_per_column = 40
    anchor = ""
    position_x = 10
    sort_method = "INDEX"
    enabled = true
    horizontal_spacing = 30
    size_x = 1
    size_y = 1
    horizontal_mirror = false
    layout = "Player"
    font_multiplier = 1
    include_player = false
    click_through = false
    unit_group = "party"
    exists = true
    position_y = -260
    sort_direction = "ASC"
    vertical_mirror = false
    tooltip = "always"
    show_when = <table> {
    changed = true
    (for generator) = <function> defined =[C]:-1
    (for state) = <table> {
    1 = "bar"
    2 = "bar_provider"
    3 = "indicator"
    4 = "text_provider"
    5 = "custom_text"
    6 = "custom"
    7 = "fader"
    (for control) = 3
    _ = 3
    module_type = "indicator"
    (for generator) = <function> defined @Int


    Message: PitBull4_PlayerModel_3:SetModel(): Invalid model file: FileData ID 0
    Time: Thu Mar 9 19:05:04 2023
    Count: 3
    Stack: PitBull4_PlayerModel_3:SetModel(): Invalid model file: FileData ID 0

    Locals: <none>

  • sinhara posted a comment Mar 9, 2023

    Can someone please guide me why I am getting this issue?

  • fuzzyrig posted a comment Mar 31, 2023

    I had to disable portraits to get party frames to work correctly. 

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