- Addons
- Achievements
- Action Bars
- Artwork
- Auction & Economy
- Audio & Video
- Bags & Inventory
- Boss Encounters
- Buffs & Debuffs
- Chat & Communication
- Class
- Combat
- Companions
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- Development Tools
- Garrison
- Guild
- Libraries
- Map & Minimap
- Minigames
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- Professions
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- Quests & Leveling
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- Tooltip
- Twitch Integration
- Unit Frames
Aug 29, 2012
Vocal warning for Lava Wave for the Ragnaros encounter
Aug 31, 2010
Creates an Auctionator's shopping list with all recipes your alts need based on Altoholic data.
Oct 27, 2010
An enhancement to the built-in raid frames to change color for debuffs.
Nov 17, 2016
GBS tricks other addons into thinking a guild bank is your personal bank.