- Addons
- Achievements
- Action Bars
- Artwork
- Auction & Economy
- Audio & Video
- Bags & Inventory
- Boss Encounters
- Buffs & Debuffs
- Chat & Communication
- Class
- Combat
- Companions
- Data Export
- Development Tools
- Garrison
- Guild
- Libraries
- Map & Minimap
- Minigames
- Miscellaneous
- Plugins
- Professions
- PvP
- Quests & Leveling
- Roleplay
- Tooltip
- Twitch Integration
- Unit Frames
Oct 4, 2019
Resizes some default UI frames (GuildUI, LootFrame, RaidInfo, TradeSkillUI and TrainerUI) to show more lines
Dec 27, 2014
Automatically generate and announce optimal spirit totem assignments during the Gara'jal encounter in Mogu'shan Vaults.
Nov 25, 2016
Simple display and management of Away / AFK / Busy / DND status via broker or minimap
Dec 20, 2016
Simple, light-weight, LDB-enabled timer that tracks how long you spend in combat
Jun 30, 2015
Helper functions used by my addons, feel free to use them in your addon too