The New Wowace! (almost, the forums are on layaway)

Hi guys I've went ahead and swapped the dns records since most of the site is now usable.

So all of you should be seeing this soon.

Here is the status update from the old forum page:

Today is the day that the below plans go into action. Please be patient while we transition to the new site.

While the transition is going on many questions can be answered in our knowledge base. Not all things are documented yet but we are working on it continually.

I'm moving the status messages here, as I've locked the forums.

A few months ago I outlined an massive site upgrade in [ this thread.] The date has moved several times as we've toiled and waited for the stars to align. However, I am pleased to announce that today is the day we carry out the announcement. As a result the site will be disabled in portions while we handle things. We ask for all of your patience as we work today to achieve the transition. We hope it will be a smooth day.

I'll be updating this post and responding here through out the day.


  • Pulling fresh dumps on broken repos - 2:50pm CST
  • Importing users into the new forums! woot! Almost 1/2 way. - 2:50pm CST
  • Resuscitation of the web server :S - 1:00pm CST
  • Importing old forum accounts into the auth cloud. - 12:00pm CST
  • Back at it to get issues worked out and the damned forums fully imported! - 7:30am CST
  • Pausing all forum import until the morning, :( - 9:30pm CST
  • Dns change over, even though the forums aren't really done yet. - 7:30pm CST
  • Babysitting Impex..... le sigh - 6:50pm CST
  • Locking Forums - 6:45pm CST
  • Starting to do forums import - 5:20pm CST
  • Supplemental and post-processing done! - 5:15pm CST
  • Repo import script done! woot! - 4:45pm CST
  • Waiting for scripts to run... long script is long... - 11:50am CST
  • Started file import - 11:50am CST
  • Disabled fisheye - 11:30am CST
  • Disabled svn writes on - 10:20am CST
  • Project Import - 10:20am CST
  • Prepwork - 9:00am CST

We're still working on the forum import so please be patient with that.