Handy Notes for your maps. This addon is intended to be a small and simple framework for showing notes on your map.
Use /handynotes to access options.
You can add notes to the maps in 3 ways:
- Alt-RightClick on the world map to add a note.
- Use "/hnnew" without the quotes to add a note at your current location.
- Use "/hnnew x,y" without the quotes to add a note at location x,y on your current zone's map.
HandyNotes supports plugins that other authors can write to display their own set of notes on the map. See this link for a list of such addons: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/search?search=handynotes
Will we ever get a new update for this?
please update
Last night I was using the open settings panel under the Handynotes Icon on the map.
Now it's greyed out and I don't know why. I have searched everywhere for an answer
to no avail. Please help.
Thanks and thank you for this addon.
is there a way to use /hnnew and also choose what icon/title is added but use the current location as the coords?
In reply to SonarDonar: if you use /hnnew [xx.xx, xx.xx} (first is x coordinate, second is y coordinate) It will pop open a box to create a personal handy note, and you can enter your own text. Also, shift mouse right click will open a box to edit or delete it.. so the command is /hnnew [x, y} inputting your current coordinates for x and y
Patch 11.0.7 broke it. Several Lua errors.
can you update to the latest Classic Era 20th Anniversary Version 1.15.5.
Would be awesome.
Thanks a lot!
Hi. Is it possible to move the "NPCs" button location on the map? It covers up other addon Icons on the map.
I play Wow Classic Catalysm, and get always this bug:
4x HandyNotes/HandyNotes_EditFrame.lua:205: CreateFrame(): Couldn't find inherited node "OptionsButtonTemplate"
[string "=[C]"]: in function `CreateFrame'
[string "@HandyNotes/HandyNotes_EditFrame.lua"]:205: in main chunk
(*temporary) = "Button"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = HNEditFrame {
BottomLeftCorner = Texture {
titleinputbox = EditBox {
descframe = Frame {
descscrollframe = HandyNotes_EditScrollFrame {
TopLeftCorner = Texture {
RightEdge = Texture {
desctext = FontString {
PixelSnapDisabled = true
continentcheckbox = CheckButton {
backdropInfo = <table> {
TopRightCorner = Texture {
icondropdown = HandyNotes_IconDropDown {
descinputbox = EditBox {
titleinputframe = Frame {
BottomEdge = Texture {
title = FontString {
TopEdge = Texture {
titleTexture = Texture {
titletext = FontString {
Center = Texture {
CloseButton = Button {
LeftEdge = Texture {
BottomRightCorner = Texture {
(*temporary) = "OptionsButtonTemplate"
Can it be fixed, or can I do something to get this addon working?
In reply to prickly_swartz3973074:
Edit HandyNotes_EditFrame.lua and
_either_ change line 7 from '100000' to '40401'
_or_ change lines 205 and 212 to just run 'UIPanelButtonTemplate' in either case.
It removes the error, but not sure if it fixes functionality, from the API documentation I've read it should. UIPanelButtonTemplate should be a 1:1 replacement for the deprecated OptionsButtonTemplate
In reply to limbolainen: This helped, thank you :)
Update for 11.0.5 please.
Hello ! Do people have this working for Nazjatar? It's the only zone i have nothing displayed and i don't understand why. thanks !
Could you update it to the latest Classic Era Game Version of 1.15.4, since the addon is no longer working properly?
Would be awesome, thanks a lot in advance!
In reply to maximus210793:
Yeah, it seems to completely break the map functionality.
Disabling HandyNotes fixed my problem at least
In reply to Painstormx: until there's an official fix do this:
HNEditFrame.okbutton = CreateFrame("Button", nil, HNEditFrame, WoW10 and "UIPanelButtonTemplate" or "OptionsButtonTemplate")
HNEditFrame.okbutton = CreateFrame("Button", nil, HNEditFrame, "UIPanelButtonTemplate")
HNEditFrame.cancelbutton = CreateFrame("Button", nil, HNEditFrame, WoW10 and "UIPanelButtonTemplate" or "OptionsButtonTemplate")
HNEditFrame.cancelbutton = CreateFrame("Button", nil, HNEditFrame, "UIPanelButtonTemplate")
in the HandyNotes_EditFrame.lua
hi, lua error on last patch on sod
3x CreateFrame(): Couldn't find inherited node "OptionsButtonTemplate"
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: in function `CreateFrame'
[string "@HandyNotes/HandyNotes_EditFrame.lua"]:205: in main chunk
(*temporary) = "Button"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = HNEditFrame {
BottomLeftCorner = Texture {
titleinputbox = EditBox {
descframe = Frame {
descscrollframe = HandyNotes_EditScrollFrame {
TopLeftCorner = Texture {
RightEdge = Texture {
desctext = FontString {
PixelSnapDisabled = true
continentcheckbox = CheckButton {
backdropInfo = <table> {
TopRightCorner = Texture {
icondropdown = HandyNotes_IconDropDown {
descinputbox = EditBox {
titleinputframe = Frame {
BottomEdge = Texture {
title = FontString {
TopEdge = Texture {
titleTexture = Texture {
titletext = FontString {
Center = Texture {
CloseButton = Button {
LeftEdge = Texture {
BottomRightCorner = Texture {
(*temporary) = "OptionsButtonTemplate"
In reply to typhosy: Same thing in Classic Era. Doesn't appear to affect the HandyNotes NPCs.
In reply to typhosy: until there's an official fix do this:
HNEditFrame.okbutton = CreateFrame("Button", nil, HNEditFrame, WoW10 and "UIPanelButtonTemplate" or "OptionsButtonTemplate")
HNEditFrame.okbutton = CreateFrame("Button", nil, HNEditFrame, "UIPanelButtonTemplate")
HNEditFrame.cancelbutton = CreateFrame("Button", nil, HNEditFrame, WoW10 and "UIPanelButtonTemplate" or "OptionsButtonTemplate")
HNEditFrame.cancelbutton = CreateFrame("Button", nil, HNEditFrame, "UIPanelButtonTemplate")
in the HandyNotes_EditFrame.lua
Any way to enable tracking via clicking on minimap? Some icons reveal spawn locations when hovered over. Clicking them stickies the revealed points. However this only works when clicking on the World Map, not Minimap.