This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.
The line 47 change in r235--adding frame:RegisterEvent("ADDON_LOADED")--directly causes issues with the NDragIt frame dragging mod. That mod + this updated library causes problems with at least the Blizzard default Auction House frame. NDragIt works without issues with r234 of this library.
Tested r235 of LibRockEvent-1.0 (and all other Rock libraries) standalone, NDragIt r77818.2 (not updated for 3.x, but has worked without issues), WoW 3.0.3 live, USEng client/server. No other mods active during testing. Log on, head to the Auction House, talk to an auctioneer. When the AH frame appears, all the bottom tabs ("Auction", etc.) are repositioned improperly to the middle of the frame, overlapping things.
Relog a few times, exit & come back, the behavior reoccurs each time. Roll back to LibRockEvent-1.0 r234/"WoW-3.0-release-2", the AH frame goes back to normal without issues. Its 100% reproducible behavior here.
Have also seen the profession frames get distorted, but have not tested long enough on a main character to verify that its always reproducible there as well. As well, have tested with FuBar 3.5 & Cartographer2 (both Rock, loading each alone), but no AH frame issues with them. Its solely a combination of NDragIt and r235 of the LibRockEvent-1.0 library causing the problem.
Why worry about the outdated, Rock NDragIt? Because other similar addons don't measure up and until this library update, it has worked without issues.
The Ace3 DragQueen mod "takes over" the top areas of any frames it can move, unlike NDragIt. Which means mods that put interface options at the top of frames--like Postal does--can't be accessed (issue reported, not responded to). The FloatingFrames mod has been historically buggy, defaults to saving frame positions and doesn't handle its option switching properly.
So would be nice to see this library fixed (if possible) to include its bug fix in a way that doesn't bork NDragIt. And/or roll back the default download to r234.
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