Out Of Date Minder

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

What does it do?

Out Of Date Minder notifies you whenever a new game patch has disabled the "Load of out date AddOns" option, and gives you the choice to re-enable it right then and there, without having to re-log/exit!

Note: you will need to keep this add-on updated for it to work properly. This is trivial if you run the Curse Client on a regular basis.

Why does it exist?

Out Of Date Minder was created out of frustration with the auto-disabling of loading of out of date add-ons whenever the game is patched. Yes, I know that some of my installed add-ons might break, but most of them don't, so please load them!

So, with Out Of Date Minder, instead of the regular steps of:

  1. "Argh, where has my <insert old addon name here> window disappeared to?!"
  2. "Oh, right, new game patch. Forgot to re-enable loading of out of date AddOns. *sigh*"
  3. Log out
  4. Click the "AddOns" button
  5. Tick the "Load out of date AddOns" box
  6. Click the "Okay" button
  7. Log back in

you can instead do the following:

  1. "Oh look, Out Of Date Minder says my out of date add-ons aren't loaded, and asks whether I want to load them!"
  2. Click the "Yes" button

Frequently Anticipated Question

Q: Wait a minute, this add-on will become disabled too together with my other add-ons! How will it be able to re-enable things if it's not running itself?!
A: My plan is to well in advance of a new patch update Out Of Date Minder, so when the patch hits it will already be up to date and ready to go! There is of course the possibility I get things wrong or not catch things in time, but I will endeavor to make that not happen :-)

Additional usage information

If you select "No" when prompted, Out Of Date Minder will not ask you again until the next patch.

You can at any time type "/oodm" into chat to enable loading of out of date add-ons and reload the UI immediately.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 5, 2010
  • Last Released File
    Sep 28, 2011
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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