A library to get localized boss names from the Encounter Journal.
Could maybe be a partial replacement for Babble-Boss.
local LEJB = LibStub:GetLibrary("LibLocalizedEJBosses-1.0") local localizedBossName, localizedBossDescription, icon = GetEncounterInfoByBossName("enUSbossName")
local LEJB = LibStub:GetLibrary("LibLocalizedEJBosses-1.0") local localizedBossName, localizedBossDescription, icon = GetEncounterInfoByBossId(bossId)
where bossId is a number you can look up at the API page
note: obviously only works in clients that are at least 4.2 old since thats when the Blizzard Encounter Journal got added
For that matter, LibStub should be surrounded by nolib tags, but that'd be optional.