Easily translate the dig site strings into all the locales. This won't return locations, distance, or anything else of the like, only the dig site names.
How to Use:
pkgmeta and Repository
Libs/LibBabble-DigSites-3.0: svn:// -- or wherever you wish to put it!
local DS = LibStub("LibBabble-DigSites-3.0"):GetLookupTable() print(DS["Altar of Quetz'lun Digsite"]) -- output will be localized -- if the game's locale is German (deDE) -- Ausgrabungsstätte am Altar von Quetz'lun -- would be printed to chat
Here is the link for the translation page.
You can find more information about the management process of the Babble libraries here.
I have completed the spanish locales to fix some issues in several addons like Archy arqueologist.
Ahh.. ok... thats the Problem i have: a Helper Syndrom *smile*
(SomeTimes the Help shot over the
Best Regards + thx for Your Work..
Drachenstern: you know how when you click AddOns on your character select screen, then mouse over the names on the list, it provides information?
"A library to help with localization of Archeology dig sites" just tells users what this addon does, so they know it might be important to an archeology addon like Archy. That phrase won't be translated by an author; it is is only there for end users. :)
Du weißt, wie wenn Sie AddOns auf deinen Charakter wählen Bildschirm klicken, dann mit der Maus über die Namen auf der Liste, bietet es Informationen?
"Eine Bibliothek mit Lokalisierung der Archäologie Ausgrabungsstätten helfen" nur erzählt, was Nutzer dieses Addon nicht, so dass sie wissen, dass es wichtig sein könnte zu einer Archäologie Addon wie Archy. Dieser Satz wird nicht von einem Autor übersetzt werden, es ist nur dort für Endbenutzer. :)
Last Entry site 19:
"A library to help with localization of Archeology dig sites"
translated in German =
"Eine Bibliothek um bei der Lokalisierung von Archäologie Grabungsstätten zu helfen"
What does it mean? To help with translation from the Strings? Or the localisation from the Digsite itself?
(sorry when iam don't write the follow right in english)
Think follow its a little Bit better:
"A library to help with local Translation of Archeology dig sites"
"Eine Bibliothek um bei der lokalen Übersetzung von Archäologie Grabungsstätten zu helfen"
Best Regards
PS: After review all German translations, think it's correct now^^
Translation does You not HELP, when others correct a GOOD right translated String: in a MISTAKE again.
e.g for english = Altar of Zul Digsite
german = deDE: Ausgrabungsstätte am Altar von Zul (thats the RIGHT String)
NEVER = altarS
^^an S to many
if You have in Archy the (lastsite) Error, (site not found), the Game itselfs gives the correct string in Chat out,, scroll a little up.