Next version of LibFail updated for Mists of Pandaria. It is still a library that detects failures at certain raid tasks.
In LibFail-MoP fail detection is very similar to how it was in LibFail-2.0. API calls are mostly the same as well with few improovements.
You can find a list of supported fails: here
This is an open repository. Feel free to add to it, and make fixes yourself.
Make sure that LibFail-MoP dependencies are loaded before loading LibFail-MoP
Sample Code
local fail = LibStub("LibFail-MoP") local failEvents = fail:GetSupportedEvents() local LF = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):GetLocale("LibFail-MoP") -- ... extra arguments such as spell used to trigger a barrier on Omnotron local function onFail(failName, playerName, failType, ...) -- Get a localized string to be used as a name for the fail event local eventName = fail:GetEventName(failName) or "" -- Use either your own or one of the commonly used strings to print out the fail local failmsg = LF["%s fails at %s (%s)"] print( failmsg:format(playerName, failType, eventName) ) end for _, event in ipairs(failEvents) do fail.RegisterCallback("SampleAddon", event, onFail) end