All Namespaces
- |cff00CC00Version:|r
- |cff99ff33Click|r to toggle the config
- |cff99ff33Right-Click|r to toggle locking
- |cffffd200Horizontal|r: %s |cffffd200Vertical|r: %s
- 20 > RP >= 0
- 2-digit offset
- 40 > RP >= 20
- 60 > RP >= 40
- 80 > RP >= 60
- 80 >= RP
- A proc will start maximized and then minimize. |cff00ff00Step 1|r: Initial size is |cffffd200From scale|r. Fades in from 0 to |cffffd200Fade in alpha|r taking |cffffd200Fade in time|r (seconds) and is anchored to |cffffd200From|r. |cff00ff00Step 2|r: Moves linearly from |cffffd200From|r to |cffffd200To|r using |cffffd200Move time|r (seconds), sizes from |cffffd200From scale|r to |cffffd200To scale|r, and fades from |cffffd200Fade in alpha|r to |cffffd200To alpha|r |cff00ff00Step 3|r: Cooldown displays. |cff00ff00Step 4|r: Cooldown is done. Fades from |cffffd200To alpha|r to 0 and shrinks to nothing over |cffffd200Fade out time|r (seconds)
- About
- Acherus
- Acherus by Kollektiv. Type /ac or /acherus to open options
- Acherus is now locked
- Acherus is now unlocked
- Attributes
- Author
- Backdrop alpha
- Background color
- Bar
- Bar and rune spacing
- Bar background
- Bar border
- Bar color
- Bar fill method
- Bar height
- Bar orientation
- Bar texture
- Bar width
- Bars
- Base timer on rune
- Behavior
- Blood
- Blood rune
- Border color
- Button Facade skins
- Colors
- Columns
- Constant color
- Credits
- Custom order
- Death
- Death rune
- Death to normal
- Deplete
- Determines if diseases are overlapping by taking the absolute value of the time differences and seeing if it's <= Overlap time
- Diseases
- Edge length
- Enable
- Enable hundreths
- Enable usable pulse
- Enabled
- End alpha
- End time
- Extend distance
- Fade in alpha
- Fade in time
- Fade out time
- Fill alpha
- Fills
- Find updates at
- Font
- Font pulse down time
- Font pulse size
- Font pulse up time
- Font size
- French translations
- From 10 seconds (the moment a rune is used) to End Time the alpha of the bar fades from Start Alpha to End Alpha
- From 10 seconds (the moment a rune is used) to End Time the alpha of the icon fades from Start Alpha to End Alpha
- From scale
- Frost
- Frost rune
- General
- German translations
- Global scale
- Gradual Fade In
- Grow
- Hide bars when ready
- Hide Blizzard Rune Frame
- Horizontal
- How big the rune icon pulses. Keep this bigger than icon size
- How long it takes to scale down to icon size after it pulses
- How long it takes to scale up to icon pulse size
- How many degrees the icon spins
- Hundreths font size
- Hundreths position
- Hundreths position 2
- Icon alpha
- Icon pulse size
- Icon scale down time
- Icon scale up time
- Icon size
- Icons
- If you are using the runes + runic power triangle layouts and adjust this scale the runes will not position correctly. Adjust the triangle edge length instead
- Imprint alpha
- In combat alpha
- Individual
- Input a list of rune ids separated by commas. It will only accept six numbers from 1 to 6. Each number must be |cffff0000different|r from the rest. Rune ids are as followed: 1 - Blood rune 1 2 - Blood rune 2 3 - Unholy rune 1 4 - Unholy rune 2 5 - Frost rune 1 6 - Frost rune 2
- Inspiration, ideas, and testing
- Invalid value for rune id. Expecting a number from 1 to 6 for each value
- Invert
- Layouts
- Linear animation
- Locked
- Minimap
- Move method
- Move time
- None
- Normal positions
- Normal to death
- Not a valid table
- On unusable
- On usable
- OOC Fading Enabled
- Origin to out
- Out combat alpha
- Out of combat fading
- Out to origin
- Overlap time
- Pipe
- Preset order
- Presets
- Procs
- Pulse
- Pulse and spin
- Ready
- Release
- Requires OmniCC to be installed. If this is checked and OmniCC is not installed there will be no timer. The default timer will display if this is unchecked
- Reverse
- Reversed Columns
- Reversed positions
- Reversed Six Pack
- Reversed Stacking
- Rune icons
- Rune ids are not all different
- Rune Order
- Rune set
- Rune spacing
- Runes
- Runic Power
- Scale
- Seconds position
- Seconds position 2
- Select proc
- Set
- Settings
- Show imprint
- Show spark
- Simplified Chinese translations
- Six Pack
- Six values required
- Skin
- Sound on proc
- Spacing
- Spacing scale
- Spin
- Spin degree
- Stacking
- Start alpha
- Starts all rune bars
- Status bar alpha
- Stop all procs if they're running
- Table
- Target nothing while testing. If you target something while testing the bar will clear.
- Test
- Test all procs
- Text
- Text color
- Text position x
- Text position y
- The bar's background color can be adjusted in the Colors tab -> Background color. Also note that for colored backgrounds, such as Blizzard Parchment, set the Background color to completely white or else the colors won't show up
- The distance between each rune
- The distance between each rune and bar
- Timer color
- To alpha
- To scale
- Traditional Chinese translations
- Triangle
- Triangle texture
- Unholy
- Unholy rune
- Usable position
- Usable position 2
- Usable/Seconds text font size
- Use custom order
- Use fill colors
- Use OmniCC timer
- Vertical
- X adjustment left, when seconds are 2 digits.
- X adjustment right for hundreths, when seconds are 2 digits.
- X direction for horizontal layouts. Y direction for vertical layouts
- Y direction for horizontal layouts. X direction for vertical layouts