All Namespaces
- %s Profiles
- /abs count - Toggles checking if you have the item in your inventory before restoring it, use if you have disconnect issues when restoring.
- /abs delete <profile> - Deletes the saved profile.
- /abs errors - Lists the errors that happened on the last restore (if any).
- /abs link "<spell 1>" "<spell 2>" - Links a spell with another, INCLUDE QUOTES for example you can use "Shadowmeld" "War Stomp" so if War Stomp can't be found, it'll use Shadowmeld and vica versa.
- /abs list - Lists all saved profiles.
- /abs logout - Toggles auto saving of the current profile whenever you leave the world.
- /abs macro - Attempts to restore macros that have been deleted for a profile.
- /abs rank - Toggles if ABS should restore the highest rank of the spell, or the one saved originally.
- /abs rename <oldProfile> <newProfile> - Renames a saved profile from oldProfile to newProfile.
- /abs restore <profile> - Changes your action bars to the passed profile.
- /abs save <profile> - Saves your current action bar setup under the given profile.
- /abs test <profile> - Tests restoring a profile, results will be outputted to chat.
- Also moved from the unknown category to %s.
- Auto macro restoration is now disabled!
- Auto macro restoration is now enabled!
- Auto profile save on logout is disabled!
- Auto profile save on logout is enabled!
- Auto restoring highest spell rank is now disabled!
- Auto restoring highest spell rank is now enabled!
- Cannot rename "%s" to "%s" a profile already exists for %s.
- Cannot restore profile "%s", you can only restore profiles saved to your class.
- Cannot test restore profile "%s", you can only test restore profiles saved to your class.
- Checking item count is now disabled!
- Checking item count is now enabled!
- Deleted saved profile %s.
- Errors found: %d
- Instant
- Invalid spells passed, remember you must put quotes around both of them.
- Miscellaneous
- No errors found!
- No name specified to rename "%s" to.
- No profile with the name "%s" exists.
- Profile List
- Renamed "%s" to "%s"
- Restored profile %s!
- Restored profile %s, failed to restore %d buttons type /abs errors for more information.
- Saved profile %s!
- Slash commands
- Spells "%s" and "%s" are now linked.
- The profile %s has been moved from the unknown category to %s.
- Unable to restore companion "%s" to slot #%d, it does not appear to exist yet.
- Unable to restore equipment set "%s" to slot #%d, it does not appear to exist anymore.
- Unable to restore item "%s" to slot #%d, cannot be found in inventory.
- Unable to restore item "%s" to slot #%d, you on the Arena Tournament Realms and attempting to restore that item would cause a disconnect.
- Unable to restore macro id #%d to slot #%d, it appears to have been deleted.
- Unable to restore macros, you already have 36 global and 18 per character ones created.
- Unable to restore profile "%s", you are in combat.
- Unable to restore spell "%s" to slot #%d, it does not appear to have been learned yet.
- You cannot rename "%s" to "%s" they are the same profile names.
- Your DB has been upgraded to the new storage format.