Action Bar Saver
Quick little mod, allows you to setup different profiles for your action bars. Mainly this is for hybrid classes that want to be able to respec without spending 10-20 minutes setting their action bars up. All you do is type /abs save <name> and it'll save the location of all your spells, macros and items.
For example, if you're currently a Feral Druid you can type /abs save feral then you can respec to Resto and setup your bars, then type /abs save resto once you go respec back to Feral you can then train all your spells again and type /abs restore feral and you'll get your feral setup without all the work of actually finding where you placed things.
Works with any custom interface like Bongos provided you're not using more then the standard 120 action buttons, ones that provided features to go past 120 will cause only the standard 120 to be saved/restored. This isn't a bug however, just a limitation in the WoW AP
In reply to Shodas:
Can confirm. Still happened to me today post-launch of SL. Can't recommend this addon until the author bothers to fix this issue.
In reply to Shodas:
Can confirm. Still happened to me today post-launch of SL. Can't recommend this addon until the author bothers to fix this issue.
Are you still maintaining this?
Line 281, replace
if( spellCache[spellName] ) then
if( spellCache[spellName] and self.db.restoreRank ) then
This fixes a botched implementation of rank restoring toggleable with /abs rank
Without it, ranks will always be automatically restored at max, with it, functionality is now as expected : you can either choose to auto restore max rank or restore same rank as was saved with /abs rank
Best addon for saving action bars! Simple and efficient with no clutter (windows or panels).
*Addon needs updating for BfA (broken).
In reply to Xolidan:
After 8.0 the addon can't save profiles, because of an API change. Changing the "and" on line 89 in ActionBarSaver.lua to an "or" makes the if clause pass, and it seems like nothing else breaks after that.
In reply to Turtvaiz:
This little fix worked for me, thank you!
Love this addon! could you please update it for bfa?
love the mod! super quick and easy to use. One concerning bug however... the mod does not save the spell "Summon Random Favorite Mount". I would assume since it is a unique cast that is not tied to the character's spellbook, but i hope you can figure this out.
THANK YOU !!!!!!!! this is what I've wanted in a long time !!!!!
Anyone got a working copy of this? I can t get it working and the file from
@Sezz2 from appears to be unreachable
The addon is great but I can't get it to restore my mounts to my bars. I have them on bar 1 and bar 3. Thanks for a life saver addon and I hope that I am doing something wrong here.
@sezz2, you have an error in your first line. Must be
local restoreErrors, spellCache, macroCache, macroNameCache, highestRanks, mountCache = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}
(Basically, you added "mountCache", but didn't initialize it.)
Great addon, used for years on 42 toons. It's by far the best, and simplest. Here are two small suggested optimizations:
1. You can probably remove the rank functionality, as, you know, ranks are gone.
2. Would love to be able to paste spells you haven't learned yet, you know, the "Unable to restore spell "something"to slot "something," it does not appear to have been learned yet" error message.
With the way people are changing talents all the time, especially Druids now with affinities, I just don't see a need to keep it this way. On copied druid characters, affinities are a PITA because each time you go from feral to guardian etc you have to swap in and out at least 6 buttons, or retype /abs save each time. Maybe add in a tiny override option? I can see the logic of not changing this, because it allows for a cleanerUI for low lvl alts. But the alts level, right? And they will learn the spells anyway.
Keep up the great work!
Thanks a lot for your version working in 7.0 !
the old version on curse/wowi still works fine
my version only adds mount/pets and the garrison spell (the mount journal changes from 7.0 are already in)
sezz2, any chance of you taking a look if this will work in 7.0 now?
The best I can do is bump the .toc... seeing how Blizz just cleaned out all of my bars, setting them up again will be pain without this addon.
try this one:
i added mounts, pets and the garrison spell (already sent shadowed the link a while ago on wowi, but he hasn't been on there for months)
mounts don't get replaced by their crossfaction equivalent when restoring a alliance profile on a horde char, but that shouldn't be an issue
I noticed this "bug" too. Any solution?