This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.
AddonLoader is an addon that loads other addons automatically, as and when they are needed, which speeds up the logon process.
Note that addons need to be aware of AddonLoader for this to work; if you see "X-LoadOn-..." tags in their .toc files, they are!
It is up to the addon author to 'make it work with their addon'. What AddonLoader needs to do for each is completely different. The fact that you're asking the question shows that you don't know enough to be doing it.
For some reason when I am on my priest and have Decursive and BigBrother enabled in my addon list at the same time, it doesn't not load BigBrother properly. It shows the window just no buff list. If I turn off Addonloader or Decursive, BigBrother works fine.
Well, looks as if I did a temporary fix. I copied all the libs in the decursive folder and copied them to the bigbrother folder. Seems to have fixed it.
Patch 3.2 broke Blizzard's LoadAddOn(), and it now only works post-PLAYER_LOGIN, not before that. This breaks so many libraries, since they rely on load-on-demand. Disabling AddonLoader or other loadmanagers is not enough, since frameworks like Ace contain their own loadmanager functionality to only load desired parts. So now we need a Blizzard fix. :-(
trying to change one of the cmds for it so that addon i use castyeller loads always instead of in comabt and i can't seem to find the .toc file. Check allthe folders including the WTF files. Pls help.
I'm using Tekability and Fortress. I just installed this mod and it's no longer loading Tekability. I see Tekability listed under AddonLoader, but it's greyed out. How do I make it load Tekability?
Having 170 Addons, I love the concept of this addon loader. However, Not to be negative, but, I don't understand the point unless you can also unload it? Is unloading even possible without a reload? If I have an addon I don't want loaded until I open the bank, I would want it to unload when I close the Bank.
Addons cannot be unloaded. The point of AddonLoader is to speed up the loading of your game, and reloading the user interface by only loading those components that are necessary for your given situation. This means you can only load addons for a specific class, some addons only trigger when you're no longer in a town or inn (resting), etc.
The whole point is, if you have an addon that only loads at the bank.. if you don't visit a bank in a session then the addon will never load.
Thanks for the explanation, I actually am using it for about a dozen addons although I edited the addons myself and Baud bag really doesn't like it. Also I just realized, I just updated some addons which means I'm going to have to edit them again. Drat!
Well it's a two stage set of complications. First the addon must be written in a way that supports loading on demand. This means that rather than using PLAYER_LOGIN or PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD it handles its initialization in a more robust way. If that's the case, then you can always use X-LoadOn-Execute to write a script that will load the addon at the right time. I've done this in LightHeaded and it works out great.
I suggested the author of Factionizer to support AddonLoader and here is what he wrote
"Thanks for the suggestion. I had a quick look at the Wiki page and as far as I can see, there is no condition to load an addon when the reputation frame is being opened."
So maybe you could extend on the list of conditions to include this (and possible other panes)
There is no need for such a specific condition, there are already ways to register events, hook functions, and execute arbitrary code. All of these make loading the addon when opening the faction window possible. LightHeaded accomplishes this same task except for the quest log frame.
In short, there is no need to change AddonLoader in any way to enable the author to add that feature.
Ah, but Cladhaire you understand the interface well enough to write Clique :)
I got Battleground General working with AddonLoader. It was possible but not trivial (for me at least). This is how I did it:
## X-LoadOn-Execute: if Grid and Grid.OnClick then local f=Grid.OnClick Grid.(...) if not BGGeneral then AddonLoader:LoadAddOn("BattlegroundGeneral") end f(...) end end
I had to hook an OnClick event which I don't do very often. And in the body of the addon I put:
if AddonLoader then
BGGeneral.ScheduleEvent(GetTime() + 3, ABGEventHandler.PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) -- fake event
Which faked a PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD event, because AddonLoader was relying on the same event.
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cuz i just add
## LoadManagers: AddonLoader
## X-LoadOn-Slash: /arl
## X-LoadOn-Events: TRADE_SKILL_SHOW
## X-LoadOn-TRADE_SKILL_SHOW: AddonLoader:LoadAddOn("AckisRecipeList"); AckisRecipeList:TRADE_SKILL_SHOW()
to each .toc file? or sth like this
tnx 4 this handy & lightweight addon,keep up the good work
That has all the information a DEVELOPER would need to make the changes.
trying to change one of the cmds for it so that addon i use castyeller loads always instead of in comabt and i can't seem to find the .toc file. Check allthe folders including the WTF files. Pls help.
The whole point is, if you have an addon that only loads at the bank.. if you don't visit a bank in a session then the addon will never load.
Thanks again, keep up the good work.
patch applied with modifications
I cant seem to see a event trigger for opening the rep frame and reputation gains, is it possible to add these or?
"Thanks for the suggestion. I had a quick look at the Wiki page and as far as I can see, there is no condition to load an addon when the reputation frame is being opened."
So maybe you could extend on the list of conditions to include this (and possible other panes)
In short, there is no need to change AddonLoader in any way to enable the author to add that feature.
I got Battleground General working with AddonLoader. It was possible but not trivial (for me at least). This is how I did it:
## X-LoadOn-Execute: if Grid and Grid.OnClick then local f=Grid.OnClick Grid.(...) if not BGGeneral then AddonLoader:LoadAddOn("BattlegroundGeneral") end f(...) end end
I had to hook an OnClick event which I don't do very often. And in the body of the addon I put:
if AddonLoader then
BGGeneral.ScheduleEvent(GetTime() + 3, ABGEventHandler.PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD) -- fake event
Which faked a PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD event, because AddonLoader was relying on the same event.