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UploadedMay 11, 2010
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Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 3.3.3
- Made the options more verbose.
- Added some options to the LDB plugin.
- Added some options to the default filters.
- Defined a fallback section.
- Always embed AceEvent.SendMessage into filters.
- Fixed a nil error on filter creation.
- Take "columns" setting into account.
- Changed the layout of filter and plugin options.
- Moved NewItem options into the option of plugins.
- Added some options to the "New Item Tracking" module.
- Removed the redondant 80% scale on bags.
- DataSource: can no longer be disabled.
- Added options to change the filter priorities.
- Moved options into their own AceConfigDialog frame to have more room.
- Added support for filter and plugins options.
- Cosmetics.
- Extract some localized item strings using Blizzard API.
- Various small tweaks on section layout.
- Order sections by total available space instead of number of items.
- Fixed the priority of the ItemCategory filter.
- Added AceGUI and AceConfig as externals.
- Added a first batch of options.
- README updated.
- Added some tooltip on bag header widgets.
- Fixed TidyBags.
- Merged and moved some files.
- Tidied module enable/disable code.
- Added a module to tidy bag contents.
- Added an API to inject a widget in bag header bar.
- Postpone any button update while the container is being updated.
- New item tracking ported to the new modular system.
- Each bag is now handled by a specific module, that adds a level of abstration above container frames.
Made name-search a module.
- Added bag anchoring so one can move the bags, using LibMovable-1.0.
- Typo.
- Cache slot data to allow a better tracking of stack size changes in addition to item changes.
- Added LibDataBroker-1.1 as a git submodule.
- Prepared for wowace packaging.
- Try to put the "New" section at top of the bag and the "Free space" section at bbottom; the section layout code may ignore this though.
- Fixed search item issue where some buttons weren't updated.
- Added a filter for the new items.
- Added a button per bag to reset the new status.
- Scan player inventory to avoid tagging items as new when changing equipment.
- Cosmetic tweak to new item glow.
- "New item" feature tweak.
- Fixed a "comparing number with nil" error.
- Added "new item" feature. Also got rid of useless "event" arguments.
- Overhauled filter system; now every filter is a submodule.
- Hopefully fixed "addon blocked" errors; cosmetic changes.
- Use AceEvent messaging to propagate bag updates.
Filters can provide a list of events to listen to; bags are updated when these events are received.
- Hopefully fixed issues with bank generic buttons.
- Added missing localized string.
- Almost fixed bank generic button handling.
- Fixed a typo on filter name.
- Force layout update when a section is emptied.
- Fixed various errors.
- Disable the built-in bank frame.
- Say goodbye to the bank NPC when the bank bag is closed.
- Typo.
- Added localization.
- Fixed method name.
- Have virtual item stacks working.
- Use a factor of 100 to build internal slotId; it's far easier to debug.
- Moved code around, added comments.
- Properly release empty section.
Also stop reacting to BAG_UPDATE during equipment set switching.
- Do not try to position new buttons when the layout will refreshed anyway.
- Hide frame before calling :OnRelease to reduce visual glitchs.
- Gave OO some love.
- Brand new layout code, which behaves nicely when moving items around.
- Added a tooltip to the equipped bag toggle.
- Cosmetic.
- Fixed bag slot size and ids.
- Added a button to bags to toggle the bag slot panel.
- Updated the datasource icon.
- Added bag slot panels.
- Reuse Blizzard code to handle item cooldown.
- Fixed armor and weapon ordering.
- Optimized layout.
- Baggins-like section layout.
- Added section separators (yet not widgets).
- Added an incomplete filtering system.
- Minor layout tweaks.
- Fixed datasource free space display.
- Fixed item sorting error.
- Added "highlight by name" feature.
- Added icons for each item family.
- Added item/free slot stacking.
- Added a LDB data source.
- Fixed quality color display.
- Fixed UI hooking so bags are opened and closed at right times.
- Added a close button and a title. Enhanced item sorting.
- Show a tag on slot from special bags (Soul, Quiver, ...).
- Sort items.
- Fixed bank background color.
- Have the bag backdrop catchs mouse events.
- Fixed issue with empty bank slots.
- Fixed bank bag position.
- Fixed item layout.
- Fixed empty slot display.
Fixed quality highlighting.
- Fixed ContainerFrame BAG_UPDATE handling. Also propagates it to buttons.
- Do not forget to define the ID of the button parent frames.
- Fixed frame parenting show items are properly hidden when a bag is closed.
- First drycoded version.