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UploadedSep 15, 2014
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Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 4.0.6
tag v1.2-beta-3
Adirelle <adirelle@tagada-team.net>
2010-11-05 14:19:28 +0100
Tagging as "v1.2-beta-3".
- Dispatch items in section per bag when showing the bag panel.
- Force a layout update when unlocking all buttons.
- Fixed a subtle bug with virtual stacks.
- Updated new item tracking logic, should fix ticket #49.
- Locales updated.
- Equipment set filter: hopefully fixed first login with no item cache.
- New item tracker: reworked to better handle first login with an empty item cache.
- Removed spammy debug outputs.
- Removed "inconsistent" item tracking.
- Bag slot: fixed bag updating.
- Added a timeout when emptying a bag, so lag or a missing event doesn't lock the inventory forever.
- Bag slots: use our own implementation that is far easier to manage.
- Added a way to lock all item buttons, so nothing to bad happens when we automatically move items around (tidy or empty bag).
- Fixed the bag emptying process.
- Bag slots: one can right click on a bag to try to empty it.
- Bag slots: display the number of items in each bag.
- Small README update.
- Set filter: postpone set scanning until we need it.
- New items: track changes in stack sizes, not only the number of stacks.