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UploadedDec 11, 2013
Size154.03 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 5.4.2
tag 1.0-beta-18
Adirelle <adirelle@gmail.com>
2013-12-11 09:32:51 +0100
A lot of new goodies.
- Use a dedicated frame to watch the mouseover unit.
This allows a more reactive behavior when leaving the mouseover unit.
- Added :IsDeclaredMessage, that allows to get rid of an ugly hack in Overlays.lua
- Overlays: fixed a typo which prevented mouseover to work.
- RuleDSL: added a human-readable string for "hint" highlight.
- Common: typo in raidbuff handler.
- Monk: suggests Uplift on three time the nominal heal (up from 2).
- Druid: show hints on Starfire/Wrath depending on eclipse direction.
- Monk: do not hint unglyphed Mana Tea.
- Common rules: looks for raid buff on every group members. Report the number of missing buffs.
- Monk: simplified the conditions of Mana Tea hint.
- Monk: fixed Renewing Mist highlight and hint.
- Made the "hint" animation a little bit more visible.
- .pkgmeta typo.
- Monk: display hints for Mana Tea, Renewing Mist, Thunder Focus Tea and Uplift.
- Display: add a new feedback: "hint".
Used for suggestions.
Do not show out of combat or when the spell is on cooldown.
- Display: use a pool and a factory to manage flash overlays.
- Monk: merged the Mistweaver plugin into base monk rules.
There is almost no gain to keep it separated.
- Moved the configuration into a load-on-demand addon.
- Rules/Common: fixed UnitCanAttack error.
- RuleDSL: fixed nil concatenation error.
- RuleDSL: fixed nil concatenation error.
- Use check buff with identifier instead of name even for single buffs.
Some classes have different buffs with different effects, depending on specialization, but the same name.
- One can now pass a spell link to the slash command to configure it.
- Fixed the slash command to open configuration panels.
- RuleDSL: merge IfSpell into AddRuleFor and Configure.
This allows a centralized, better handling of provider spells.
- Debug: enhanced rule debugging prefix.
- RuleDSL: fixed the exclusion conditions of ImportPlayerSpells.
- Monk: do not show the stacks of Tigereye and Elusive Brew.
- RuleDSL: removed ItemSelfBuffs, unused.
- Overlays: added .group to unitEvents.
- Overlays: only listen to MOUSEOVER_CHANGED if @mouseover appears in the conditionals.
- Overlays: can now listen to messages, in addition to events, for updating.
- Overlays: unregister all messages on action update.
- Defined addon.RULES_UPDATED to use in place of addonName..'_RulesUpdated'.