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  • Uploaded
    Nov 8, 2008
  • Size
    3.23 KB
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Supported WoW Retail Versions

  • 3.0.3


Chris Heald (11):
      7d6849e: Initial commit
      7ce1f7d: Add UnitIsGhost to short circuit re-equip
      1e6d463: Add pkgmeta
      b71bbe3: Fix package-as
      7ec0b9c: Make re-equipping smarter
      d22d10d: Don't assume that non-catform druids have feline grace. But druids have flight form anyway. If you're a druid and using this mod, you ~fail
      499623d: Make the item re-equip list a saved var so that you can re-equip after a stupid falling death because the cat jumped on the keyboard and dismounted you, and you got so mad that you threw it off the balcony, but then felt horrible and took it to the vet but then you sat in the waiting room for so long that you got logged out. This way when you log back in and rez it'll re-equip your gear.
      6ff4ef3: Fix for blank slots?
      04f8af9: Make slowfalls stop falling timer
      ffac17c: Remove debug message :V
      090fa1e: Don't panic multiple times in a long fall