All Namespaces
- A Call to Battle
- A Path Through Time
- A Worthy Ally
- A Worthy Dream Warden
- A Worthy Loamm Niffen
- Aiding the Accord
- Archival Studies Dungeons
- Aspect's Crests
- Aspect's Fragments
- Awaken the Machine
- Beastwarrens Hunt
- Blooming Dreamseeds
- Bounties
- Broker Dungeons
- Callings
- Carved Harbinger Crests
- Catalyst Charges
- Change the abbreviations used in the tooltip
- Change the column names used in the tooltip
- Characters below this level will not be shown
- Chatframe Messages
- Color names by class
- Column Names
- Community Feast
- Conquest
- Containers
- Covenant
- Current level of Renown with Covenant
- Current level of Renown with the Dragonscale Expedition
- Current level of Renown with the Dream Wardens
- Current level of Renown with the Iskaara Tuskarr
- Current level of Renown with the Loamm Niffen
- Current level of Renown with the Maruuk Centaur
- Current level of Renown with the Valdrakken Accord
- Dailies
- Day when weekly caps and lockouts are reset
- Delves
- Dilated Time Capsule
- Draconic Treatises
- Drake's Crests
- Drake's Fragments
- Dreamsurge Chrysalis
- Drops
- Emmissary of War
- Encapsulated Destiny
- Encounters Left
- Eye of the Jailer
- Faction Traders
- Fighting is Its Own Reward
- Forge the Pact
- Free raid color
- Garrison Invasion
- General Settings
- Gilded Harbinger Crests
- Grand Hunts
- If the character acquired a Chrysalis from a Dreamsurge this week
- If the character acquired a Dilated Time Capsule from a Time Rift this week
- If the character acquired a Seedbloom from the Blooming Dreamseeds quest this week
- If the character acquired an Encapsulated Destiny from Chromie this week
- If the character completed the A Worthy Ally: Dream Wardens weekly quest
- If the character completed the A Worthy Ally: Loamm Niffen weekly quest
- If the character completed the Aiding the Accord weekly quest
- If the character completed the Community Feast event
- If the character completed the Show Your Mettle quest
- If the character completed the Siege of Dragonebane Keep event
- If the character completed The Superbloom quest this week
- If the character completed the The Storm's Fury event in the Primalist Future
- If the character completed the Trial of Elements event
- If the character completed the Trial of Flood event
- If the character completed the Trial of Storms event
- If the character completed the weekly quests to gain knowledge by filling work orders
- If the character completed the weekly quests to gain knowledge by reading Draconic Treatises
- If the character completed the weekly quests to gain knowledge from items found in containers like Disturbed Dirt Piles or Expedition Scout's Packs
- If the character completed the weekly quests to gain knowledge from items which drop from mobs
- If the character completed the weekly quests to gain knowledge given by the faction trade representatives
- If the character completed the weekly quests to gain knowledge given by the faction trade representatives as well as weekly collection of Dreambloom, Iridescent Ore and Curious Hide
- If the character completed the weekly quests to gain knowledge given by their profession trainers
- If the character completed three Grand Hunt events
- If the character has collected a Researchers Gift, the Tier level of the reward will be shown. If the Tier 4 reward has been collected we will show it as completed.
- If the character has completed the active covenant assault in The Maw
- If the character has completed the currently active Hunt in the Beastwarrens
- If the character has completed the Last Hurrah quest this week
- If the character has completed the Tormentors of Torghast event in The Maw
- If the character has completed the weekly dungeon quests from the Azure Archives Annex
- If the character has completed the weekly dungeon quests the Brokers in Oribos
- If the character has completed the weekly event (e.g. Timewalking, Mythics, Battle Grounds, etc)
- If the character has completed the weekly event to defeat 5 Timewalking raid bosses or dungeons
- If the character has completed the weekly event to finish 10 world quests
- If the character has completed the weekly event to finish 4 Mythic dungeons
- If the character has completed the weekly event to win 10 Arena Skirmishes
- If the character has completed the weekly event to win 4 Battleground Matches
- If the character has completed the weekly event to win 5 PvP Pet Battles
- If the character has completed the weekly quest from Archmage Timear in Dalaran
- If the character has completed the weekly quest to finish 5 Heroic dungeons
- If the character has completed the Wrath of the Jailer event in The Maw
- If the character has completed their weekly Island Expeditions
- If the character has Covenant Callings available
- If the character has defended their Garrison and if any higher level of awards remain
- If the character has done the 'Victory in Tol Barad' weekly pvp quest
- If the character has done the 'Victory in Wintergrasp' weekly pvp quest
- If the character has Emissary Bounties available
- If the character has finished collecting 1000 anima for their reservoir
- If the character has finished collecting souls in The Maw
- If the character has finished the Suffusion Camp world quest and killed Fyrakk's Disciple
- If the character has gathered crops off their farm today
- If the character has Rajani and Uldum Accord weekly rewards available
- If the character has received the reward for a seasonal boss
- If the character has subdued teh Jailer's efforts for the week
- If the character has turned in Primal Cores of each element type
- If the weekly quest The Big Dig: Traitor's Rest has been completed
- If the weekly quest The Theater Troupe has been completed
- If the weekly quest to collect 10 globs of wax has been completed
- If the weekly quest to finish 100% of activities in Azj-Kahet has been completed
- If the weekly quest to finish 20 waves has been completed
- If the weekly quest to light 4 Lesser Keyflames has been completed
- Instance Abbreviations
- Knowledge
- Last Hurrah
- LOCKOUT_Serpentshrine_Cavern
- Loot Coins
- Minimum Level
- Mythic Plus
- No saved raids found
- N'Zoth Assaults
- Primal Cores
- Profession Knowledge
- Profession Trainers
- Raid
- Regardles of any saved instances
- Renown
- Replenish the Reservoir
- Researchers Under Fire
- Restored Coffer Keys
- Return Lost Souls
- Rollin' Down in the Deeps
- Runed Harbinger Crests
- Saved raid color
- Seasonal
- Shaping Fate
- Show 5-man instances
- Show all chars
- Show character realms
- Show delve level for your first reward slot
- Show delve level for your second reward slot
- Show delve level for your third reward slot
- Show difficulty and location of your mythic plus key
- Show layers cleared in Torghast wings
- Show level of your weekly best mythic plus clearance
- Show minimap button
- Show mythic level for your first reward slot
- Show mythic level for your second reward slot
- Show mythic level for your third reward slot
- Show number of Bonus Rolls and whether weekly quest has been completed
- Show number of Warforged Seals and whether weekly quest has been completed
- Show Realm Headers
- Show the Ailo minimap button
- Show the amount of attention you have attracted from the Jailer in The Maw
- Show Your Mettle
- Siege of Dragonbane Keep
- Spreading the Light
- Storm's Fury
- Suffusion Camp
- The Arena Calls
- The Big Dig
- The Superbloom
- The Theater Troupe
- The Very Best
- The World Awaits
- Tier 1
- Tier 2
- Tier 3
- Tooltip abbreviation used for heroic raids
- Tooltip abbreviation used for nonheroic raids
- Tormentors of Torghast
- Total
- Track Bonus Rolls
- Track Callings
- Track Conquest Points
- Track Covenant
- Track Covenant Assaults
- Track crops
- Track 'Daily Heroic'
- Track 'Daily Heroic Scenario'
- Track daily kills of |T136063:0|tDeathtalon, |T132356:0|tTerrorfist, |T252185:0|tDoomroller and |T136220:0|tVengeance
- Track 'Daily Scenario'
- Track Delve Reward 1
- Track Delve Reward 2
- Track Delve Reward 3
- Track Dragonscale
- Track Dream Wardens
- Track Emissary Bounties
- Track Flightstones
- Track Hellbane rares
- Track Iskaara
- Track Islands
- Track M+ Key
- Track M+ Reward 1
- Track M+ Reward 2
- Track M+ Reward 3
- Track Maruuk
- Track Mythic Plus
- Track Niffen
- Track N'Zoth Assaults
- Track PvP daily
- Track Raid Finder instances
- Track Renown
- Track Seasonal bosses
- Track 'TB Victory'
- Track Torghast
- Track Tower Knowledge
- Track Valdrakken
- Track Valor Points
- Track Warforged Seals
- Track 'WG Victory'
- Track World Bosses
- Tracks any raid done through the Raid Finder tool
- Tracks any World Bosses from which loot has been collected this week
- Trial of Elements
- Trial of Flood
- Trial of Storms
- Updating data for current player.
- Use !ClassColors
- Use !ClassColors addon for class colors used to color the names in the tooltip
- Valor
- Weathered Harbinger Crests
- Weeklies
- Weekly
- Weekly Dalaran Quest
- Weekly Event Quest
- Weekly reset day
- Whelplings's Crests
- Whelplings's Fragments
- Wipe Database
- Work Orders
- World Bosses
- Wrath of the Jailer
- Wyrm's Crests
- Wyrm's Fragments