Am I locked out?
Little addon which saves me quite some time with all my twinks.
What it does
Rembers which of your chars are saved to which instance.
- Every Instance that gives you a SavedInstanceID is trackable! (LFR/nhc/hc/mythic raids, mythic 5mans, etc.)
- Daily Heroic Dungeon, PVP, etc.
- 5man heroics (Option to show 5mans in the tooltip is OFF by default)
- Emissary Bounty Caches
Updates on login and every time you get the 'You are now saved to this instance'-message, a shift-click on the tooltip forces a manual update. So you don't have to log onto your chars to see if you can join that raid with one of your alts
Currently only a LDB icon:
- Right click: Brings up the configuration (change tooltip colors, profiles)
- Left click: Bring up the RaidFrame, Shift-click for manual playerupdate
- Hovering: Shows a tooltip of all instances. Green = free, Red = locked out (default colors, you can change them)
Config options:
- Standard Ace3 profile things
- Change colors of the tooltip
- Change abbreviations used for instancenames (Ailo tries to get a 'first char of every word'-type, but that is kinda hard if you have a locale which relies heavy on utf-8 chars)
Works like a dream.
A few things tho:
It doesnt show Ulduar 10? Or its added to the list when saved id appears in calendar? nhc = Not HC? wouldnt be better to have an N = normal and HC=heroic
X fingers
on my lvl6 char its working!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! grats! with minimap icon and all things :)))
i have to go away for 2-3 hours, then i check it out on my lvl80s.
ty for being patient :)
I just beginn to hate minimap icons :X
definitely has a place in people's addons folder.
You can safely ignore the arseholes linking other addons in your comments.
(That's what the rest of us do anyway)
Thanks for sharing.
(I've posted a ticket about it and will hopefully be fixed in next push).
It will affect people running it that don't have an LDB compatible display
and rely on the minimap icon to show them the tooltip instead of some panel.
If you're comfortable with small edits:
1. Open the Ailo.toc file
2. Find the line that reads
3. Make it like this
4. Save the file and restart the game (reloading in place won't work).
Should also be noted that Ailo only works for maxlevel characters (80).
I think the addon was awsome, to bad about the bug, but I think that will be fixed very soon.
One question thou, do I still need Ace libraries installed, or can I get rid of them?
you can get rid of them yes.
Nice that you upgraded again. Will try out instantly. Suggest you to not drop this addon. Its just too simple and trivial to use, understand when it will work as intend.
So lets try it.
ps: It loaded up fine. No minimap icon. Ailo->geenral settings-> minimap not checked!!! Thought thats it just check and its fine. But when i pressed it on LUA error came :( See ticket.
Tagged a new release, because wowace does not create zips for my normal revisions, sucks quite a bit.
If I can't fix that minimap thing I think I'll just drop it and people should just use a LDB display addon. :S
But there is addon already called Savedinstances which is quite complete with all raids, types, heroics across all alts, also nice tooltip on each save with details, id, time left etc.
Soon we make a fanclub here :))
Posted another ticket. SAme lvl 6 char without any other addons enabled.
At login error see ticket. Cant see minimap button.
Interface ->addon-> ailo-> minimap checkbox= on
trying to get it off ->LUA error see the ticket
Do me :(
deleted old dierctory installed 1.07 logged in -> result
Message: Interface\AddOns\Ailo\Ailo.lua:16: attempt to call method 'UpdateRaidIDDB' (a nil value) Time: 10/22/09 23:06:18 Count: 1 Stack: [string "Interface\FrameXML\BasicControls.xml:<Scrip..."]:18: in function <[string "Interface\FrameXML\BasicControls.xml:<Scrip..."]:4> [C]: in function `UpdateRaidIDDB' Interface\AddOns\Ailo\Ailo.lua:16: in function <Interface\AddOns\Ailo\Ailo.lua:14>
Locals: self = <unnamed> { 0 = <userdata> } event = "UPDATE_INSTANCE_INFO" (*temporary) = nil (*temporary) = <unnamed> { 0 = <userdata> } (*temporary) = "attempt to call method 'UpdateRaidIDDB' (a nil value)"
however i made a ticket if u wanna click on that there is a bigger buginfo
There is now an options dialog:
Interface => Addons
=> Ailo
=> General Settings
=> Show minimap button
Is it switched on?
1.0.7, logged in on my priest with Ailo being the only active addon and I have a minimap button, I beginn to hate the minimap :X
I would love to use the addon, but i cant. Interface ->addons shows ailo, i can make setup changes.
But the minimap button doesnt show at all. Im using standard wow minimap. I dont get any lua error, as of build in error catcher doesnt show anything. Any chances to get it work from command line?
Could it be posible to make a command to open that addon. Cuz I've never been able to use it cuz I dont see the icon in the minimap. Am using an addon call Sexymap but all my other addon that use an icon are working.
deDE I can do myself, but not things like frFR, esES, ruRU, so if someone using it in that language feel free to add the strings (only 11 at the moment and I don't think it will get much more than that)
TY for this addon