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Occurs when attempting to log out, exit, /camp, etc...
2x [ADDON_ACTION_FORBIDDEN] AddOn 'AllPlayed' tried to call the protected function 'orig()'.!BugGrabber\BugGrabber.lua:573: in function <!BugGrabber\BugGrabber.lua:573>[C]: ?...ceAllPlayed\libs\AceHook-3.0\AceHook-3.0-8.lua:95: in function `Logout'[string "*:OnClick"]:2: in function <[string "*:OnClick"]:1>
Relevant lines in AllPlayed.lua (at least off a search, in the process of figuring out why I couldn't log out even though I'd disabled DailyGlobalCheck, which has the same issue)...
Line 395: self:Hook("Logout", true) Line 1579: function AllPlayed:Logout() Line 1580: --self:Debug("Logout()") Line 1583: --return self.hooks.Logout()
Would love to see an update to this. I already stared at it for a while, but can't figure out what the issue is.
Blizzard apparently protected some functions including Logout(), betting also Quit() as well.
I don't know if it's going to cause/is causing issues elsewhere (it's probably fine, data just might not be 100% up-to-the-last-second for other characters) but I've at least got AllPlayed running with the ability to properly log out. Fairly simple "fix"...
Delete lines 1579-1591 {function AllPlayed:Logout() through return self.hooks.Quit() end} (Make sure to get the "end" Quit(), it's on the next line but it's important.)
Delete lines 395 and 396 {self:Hook("Logout", true) and self:Hook("Quit", true)}
Getting a similar error from the addon QuitConfirmed:
"Error: AddOn QuitConfirmed attempted to call a forbidden function (origQuit()) from a tainted execution path.",
Really hope the authors of the affected addons can get this fixed ASAP!
Thanks to Veyska for the advice regarding a temp workaround fix.
What helped me is the following replacement in file "AllPlayed.lua":
self:Hook("Logout", true) self:Hook("Quit", true)
self:SecureHook( "Logout" ) self:SecureHook( "Quit" )
What helped me is the following replacement in file "AllPlayed.lua": Before: self:Hook("Logout", true) self:Hook("Quit", true) After: self:SecureHook( "Logout" ) self:SecureHook( "Quit" )
Can confirm. The solution fixed it for me.
Hi, I love this add-on. After some research, i found a working solution to
-- Hook the functions that need hooking -- self:Hook("Logout", true) --> original line in AllPlayed.lua self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_LOGOUT", "Logout")
-- self:Hook("Quit", true) --> original line in AllPlayed.lua self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_QUITING", "Quit")
antholycus , thanks mate! It works!
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