All Namespaces
- %d player(s) are running Allara Boss Core. %d player(s) are not.
- %s is not using Allara Boss Core
- %s is using Allara Boss Core r%s
- |cffffff20%s|r requires Allara Boss Core revision |cffffff20%d|r or higher. It will not function until you update.
- Baradin Hold
- Blackwing Descent
- Dragon Soul
- Firelands
- Icecrown Citadel
- Naxxramas
- Onyxia's Lair
- Please update by navigating to:
- The Bastion of Twilight
- The Eye of Eternity
- The Obsidian Sanctum
- The Ruby Sanctum
- Throne of the Four Winds
- Trial of the Crusader
- Ulduar
- Vault of Archavon