Suggest mains feature #11

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to talryn
  • jtrack3d created this issue May 28, 2016

    One thing that I would love to see is the ability for the add-on to help me get a new character setup. In our guild, a main gets MM-DD-YY (date joined) or ALTS: <main> format.

    What I'd like to see is, for character that have no "note", the ability to suggest mains based on achievement points or something. Then, I could just click "possible mains" search and it would list all toons with about the same number of points... likely only one.

    I always ask, if they are available, but if I had a menu popup it would save time typing the name and putting in the special characters if they have them which is difficult.

    Also, we are a connected realm, so for us, those on same realm are Name, and those on the other realm are Name-Realm or Alts doesn't find them. Having a pop-up set the name would reduce errors.

  • jtrack3d added the tags New Enhancment May 28, 2016
  • Talryn posted a comment May 28, 2016

    I looked at this quickly and it appears the achievements points do not match up. Every character had different achievement points. At the moment I'm not sure how to tie alts and mains together. If possible it is a good idea though.

    The only thing I'm not doing that I could possibly do is use ID to associate alts to a main. It should be possible to set a main name in the note and then all characters logged into could be considered alts.

    For guild members, I don't see any data so far that ties them together. I will check again and verify if there are any settings affecting the achievement points.

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