Ability to rename a main from Alts window #26

  • DARodrigues created this issue Dec 11, 2022



    Thank you for this great addon!

    Is it possible to add a "rename main" button to the Alts window? There are a some guildies of mine that have a lot of alts and i'd like to rename the main name. The only ingame way I know right now is by deleting that entry and re-add all their alts to a new main. I can also edit the saved variables file and fix this for myself, but might be an interesting option for other people!


    Thank you,


  • 6mot posted a comment Jun 29, 2023

    Yeah, I just had the need for this too (found a main with a typo in it), and couldn't find a way to edit the main's name.


    Looks like an oversight to me.

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