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What steps will reproduce the problem?
What is the expected output? What do you see instead? There are a couple of taint entries for Alts or its libraries, all very easy to fix which would improve stability:
Global variable name tainted by Alts - Interface\AddOns\Alts\Alts.lua:790 UpdateMainsTable() Global variable nameString tainted by Alts - Interface\AddOns\Alts\Alts.lua:3198 ?() /lib-st/core.lua @line 440: name collision: GetDefaultHighlightBlank, SetDefaultHighlightBlank, GetDefaultHighlight, SetDefaultHighlight /lib-st/core.lua @167,168: variables in global namespace: col, j /libDBIcon.lua @159: OnDragStop: name collision
What version of the product are you using? Alts 0.6-beta-6-g6d8e32c
It appears that the issue is with LibScrollingTable. I never checked on this issue though. If I get a chance, I'll see what I can do.
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