Latin American Spanish
All Namespaces
- Achievement Points
- Add
- Add Alt
- Add Main
- Add Menu Items
- AddMenuItems_Desc
- Alt Name
- Alt Names In Tooltips
- Alt:
- Alts
- Alts for %s: %s
- Alts:
- Are you sure you wish to delete the main and all user-entered alts for:
- Are you sure you wish to remove
- as an alt of
- Auto Import Guild
- Battle Tag
- Alts
- Cancel
- Chat
- Class
- Clear
- ClipboardCopy_Default
- ClipboardCopy_Mac
- Close
- Communities Tooltips
- CommunitiesTooltips_Opt
- Contributions
- Delete
- Delete Alt
- Delete Main
- Deleted alt %s for %s
- Disable in Combat
- DisableInCombat_OptionDesc
- Display Options
- Edit
- Edit Alts
- Entries_Displayed
- Experience
- Export
- Friends
- FriendsLog_RemovedFriend
- General Options
- Guild
- Guild Contribution
- Guild Contributions By Main
- Guild Export
- Guild Import Options
- Guild Log
- Guild Roster Tooltip
- GuildContribution_OptionDesc
- GuildExport_Escape
- GuildExport_ExportLabel
- GuildExport_OnlyGuildAlts
- GuildExport_OnlyMains
- GuildExport_OptionDesc
- GuildExport_StatusFormat
- GuildLog_JoinedGuild
- GuildLog_LeftGuild
- GuildLog_OptionDesc
- GuildRosterTooltip_Opt
- IgnoreLog_RemovedIgnore
- Ignores
- Imported the guild '%s'. Mains: %d, Alts: %d.
- Interface Modifications
- InterfaceModifications_Desc
- Last Online
- Left click
- Level
- Lock
- Lock_OptionDesc
- Log Options
- Main for %s: %s
- Main Name
- Main Name Color
- Main Name In Tooltips
- Main Names in Chat
- Main Window
- Main/Alt Info on Friend Logon
- Main/Alt Info with /who
- Main:
- MainNameColor_OptDesc
- MainNamesInChat_OptionDesc
- Maximum line length for a tooltip
- Minimap Button
- Name
- No alts found for
- No main found for
- Note Formats
- NoteFormats_Desc
- Notes
- Officer Note
- Percent
- Public Note
- Rank
- Reference to a non-existent main %s for %s.
- Remember Position
- RememberPosition_OptionDesc
- Report Guild Changes
- Report Missing Mains
- Report Removed Friends
- Report Removed Ignores
- Report To
- ReportGuildChanges_OptionDesc
- ReportRemovedFriends_OptionDesc
- ReportRemovedIgnores_OptionDesc
- ReportTo_OptionDesc
- Right click
- Save
- Search
- Set Main
- Set main for %s: %s
- Single Line for Chat
- Single Line for Tooltip
- to open/close the configuration.
- to open/close the window
- Toggle the minimap button
- Toggles if main/alt data should be automatically imported from guild notes.
- Toggles if missing mains should be reported when importing.
- Toggles the display of alt names in tooltips
- Toggles the display of informational messages
- Toggles the display of main/alt information when a friend or guild member logs on
- Toggles the display of main/alt information with /who results
- Toggles the display of the main name in tooltips
- Toggles whether the main and alt information is on one line or separate lines in the chat window.
- Toggles whether the main and alt information is on one line or separate lines in tooltips.
- Tooltip Options
- Tooltip Wrap Length
- Total
- Total XP
- Unit Menus-Set Main
- UnitMenusSetMain_Opt
- Usage: /delalt <alt> <main>
- Usage: /getalts <main>
- Usage: /setmain <alt> <main>
- Use Main Name Color
- UseMainNameColor_OptDesc
- Verbose
- Weekly
- Weekly XP
- Wrap notes in tooltips
- Wrap Tooltips
- XP