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UploadedOct 15, 2016
Size13.97 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 7.0.3
## v0.5.2
* Fixed bug with progress tooltips in certain locales
* Reaves is now excluded from auto gossip
## v0.5.1
* Added option to adjust display for split timings on objective tracker
## v0.5.0
* Added option to show text output at completion of runs showing final run time
* Added option to display of how long each objective took to complete in objective tracker
## v0.4.0
* Added new feature to output to chat clues from Chatty Rumormongers during the Court of Stars event. Disabled by default, and currently only available in English locales
* When you go pass the time limit, the counter will now start counting up for how far past you are
* Added option to show 2 bonus chest timer while 3 bonus chest timer is still active
* Added zhCN and zhTW locales
## v0.3.0
* Added new feature to auto select gossip entries (ex: Odyn) during Keystone dungeons
## v0.2.1
* Added koKR locale
## v0.2.0
* Added ruRU, deDE, and esES locales
## v0.1.3
* Adds progress tooltips at end of tooltips when translation for current language is missing
## v0.1.2
* Bug fix for Keystone links from other languages
## v0.1.1
* Bug fix for progress tooltips
## v0.1
* Initial release