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UploadedOct 16, 2020
Size188.96 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 9.0.1
## v0.4.0
* Update for 9.0
## v0.3.3
* Small bug fix
## v0.3.2
* A few small fixes
## v0.3.1
* Various overdue bug fixes
## v0.3.0
* Update for 8.0
## v0.2.2
* Update for 7.1
## v0.2.1
* Added ability to set categories for other categories, so can have multi-layered categories
## v0.2.0
* Added categories to help organize notes. They can be assigned by right clicking on a page in the list.
* Added shortcuts for class color escape sequences, ex: |cdruid or |cshaman
* Added the ability to use a spell id for {icon ...} substitutions, ex: {icon 774} instead of {icon spell_nature_rejuvenation}
* Added configuration option to adjust line spacing in note display
* Added Demon Hunter class icon substitution, {demonhunter}
## v0.1.0
* Initial release.