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UploadedMar 5, 2015
Size425.03 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 6.1.0
James D. Callahan III:
- Race:GetArtifactCompletionDataByName() => Race:GetArtifactCompletionCountByName() and changed it to only return that value, since the other two values were never used anywhere.
- Use the project's stored completionCount in the tooltip, instead of looking it up.
- Also lowercase names of artifacts defined by initial pass of GetArtifactInfoByRace()
- Use :tolower() for storing and matching project names to prevent a few Blizzard inconsistencies from causing failed matches. (Project name: "Calcified Eye in a Jar" Spell name: "Calcified Eye In a Jar")
- Don't try to update the skill bar when loading into the world.
- keystoneIDToRaceID => KeystoneIDToRace, keystoneLootRaceID => lootedKeystoneRace
- Make sure currentDigsite isn't nil before attempting to record looted keystones. Should really only happen if the UI was reloaded before loot was grabbed.
- Replaced HasArchaeology() with private.hasArchaeology - set in OnEnable() and updated whenever SKILL_LINES_CHANGED fires.
- When announcing projects that were just solved or can be solved, include the project's icon.