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  • Uploaded
    Mar 5, 2015
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Supported WoW Retail Versions

  • 6.1.0


James D. Callahan III <jcallahan@curse.com>
2015-03-05 20:50:08 -0600


James D. Callahan III:
    - Comment fix.
    - Miscellaneous variable renames, and use the Race object directly in SolveRaceArtifact()
    - Semantic cleanups.
    - If missing data for the current artifact for whatever reason, set the race's currentProject to nil so the previously-completed project goes away.
    - Race:GetArtifactCompletionDataByName() => Race:GetArtifactCompletionCountByName() and changed it to only return that value, since the other two values were never used anywhere.
    - Use the project's stored completionCount in the tooltip, instead of looking it up.
    - Also lowercase names of artifacts defined by initial pass of GetArtifactInfoByRace()
    - Use :tolower() for storing and matching project names to prevent a few Blizzard inconsistencies from causing failed matches. (Project name: "Calcified Eye in a Jar" Spell name: "Calcified Eye In a Jar")
    - Don't try to update the skill bar when loading into the world.
    - keystoneIDToRaceID => KeystoneIDToRace, keystoneLootRaceID => lootedKeystoneRace
    - Make sure currentDigsite isn't nil before attempting to record looted keystones. Should really only happen if the UI was reloaded before loot was grabbed.
    - Replaced HasArchaeology() with private.hasArchaeology - set in OnEnable() and updated whenever SKILL_LINES_CHANGED fires.
    - When announcing projects that were just solved or can be solved, include the project's icon.

Additional Files

Type Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
215.48 KB Mar 5, 2015 6.1.0 543