All Namespaces
- "Arrival Distance"
- %d %ss in your inventory
- %d Key stone sockets available
- %d yards
- *Interactive tooltip region(s)
- Allows Archy to autofill key stones as you receive them for you on the races you specify
- Allows you to blacklist races from being used by Archy
- Anchor
- Announce in the chat window when an artifact can be solved with fragments
- Announce in the chat window when an artifact can be solved with fragments and key stones
- Announce Nearest Dig Site
- Announce when solvable
- Announcements Output
- Announces the nearest dig site to you
- Announces the nearest dig site when it is found
- ArchaeologyUI not loaded: %s SolveArtifact hook not installed.
- ArchaeologyUI not loaded: %s Try opening manually.
- Archy will not automate dig site tracking on the minimap, world map and battlefield map.
- Artifact
- Artifact Options
- Artifact Row Height
- Artifacts
- artifacts
- Ask for confirmation when your skill nears the cap. When enabled, no confirmation is needed for Illustrious Archaeologists.
- Auto Hide Archy Frames in Combat
- Auto Hide in Combat
- AutoFill Key Stones
- AutoLoot Fragments and Key Stones
- Available commands are:
- Background Color
- Background Opacity
- Background Texture
- Blacklist
- Blacklist selected race from artifact use
- Blacklisted Races
- Border Opacity
- Border Texture
- Bottom Left
- Bottom Right
- Click to view this artifact
- closest
- Color code the fragment node icon based on the survey distance
- Color Node Icons On Survey
- Color Options
- Common Artifact Font Color
- Completed
- config
- Config
- Configure artifact row settings
- Configure dig site row settings
- Configure header bar settings
- Confirm solves near skill cap
- Control the font size
- Control the font size of the artifact name
- Control the font size of the artifact text
- Control the font size of the dig site name
- Control the font size of the dig site text
- Control the font size of the fragment progress
- Control the font size of the header text
- Control the font size of the zone and distance
- Control various aspects of how the Artifacts list is displayed
- Control various aspects of how the Dig Site list is displayed
- Control various aspects of LDB tooltip
- Control various aspects of Minimap options
- Control various aspects of Survey Distance Indicator options
- Control various aspects of the Artifact options
- Control various aspects of the Dig Site options
- Control various aspects of TomTom integration
- Cross
- Ctrl Left-Click to open Archy's options
- Dig Counter
- Dig Site
- Dig Site Boundaries
- Dig Site Options
- Dig Site Row Height
- Dig Sites
- dig sites
- Digs
- Display Options
- Double right-click on the screen to cast Survey. This is experimental and may interfere with other addons with similar functionality when enabled.
- Enable "Arrival Distance"
- Enable EasyCast
- Enable the addon to auto-loot fragments and key stones for you.
- Enable the Survey Distance Indicator
- Enable TomTom Crazy Arrow
- Enable TomTom integration
- Filter by Continent
- Filter Dig Sites
- Filter the Artifact list by races on the continent
- First Time Color
- Font
- Font Color
- Font Options
- Font Outline
- Font Shadow
- Force a refresh of data
- Fragment
- Fragment Font Options
- Fragment Font Outline
- Fragment Font Size
- Fragment Type:
- Frame Options
- General Options
- Graphical
- Green Distance Radius
- Header Background Color
- Header Bar Height
- Header Settings
- Height of the artifact row
- Height of the dig site row
- Height of the header bar
- Hide Minimap Button
- Icon to use for the fragment node icon
- In stealth mode. Shift-click the button or type /archy stealth if you wanted to show the Artifact and Digsite frames.
- Include key stones
- Key stone
- Key Stone Font Color
- Key Stone Font Options
- Key Stones:
- Keys
- Learn Archaeology
- Learn Archaeology in your nearest major city!
- Left-Click to open artifact in default Archaeology UI
- Left-Click to solve without key stones
- Left-Click to toggle Archy
- Left-Click to view the zone map
- Light Blue Dot
- List of blacklisted races
- Lock Positions
- Locked
- Locks the windows so they cannot be repositioned by accident
- Main Font Options
- Manual tracking
- Middle-Click to display the Archaeology window
- Minimal
- Minimal Style Options
- Minimap Icon
- Minimap Options
- Move the slider to adjust the scale of the tooltip.
- Mummified Monkey Paw
- Name Font Outline
- Name Font Size
- Navigation
- nearest
- Nearest Dig Site is: %s in %s (%.1f yards away)
- Nearest only
- No artifacts were solvable
- Node Icon
- Options
- Outline
- Play a sound when an artifact can be solved with fragments
- Play a sound when an artifact can be solved with fragments and key stones
- Play a sound when arriving at a waypoint
- Play sound when solvable
- Profiles
- Progress
- Progress Bar Color
- Progress Bar Texture
- ProjectNames/Mummified Monkey Paw
- Rare Artifact Font Color
- Rare Color
- refresh
- Refreshes the Archaeology data
- Remove from blacklist
- Remove selected race from the blacklist
- reset
- Reset Positions
- Reset the window positions to defaults
- Right-Click to blacklist
- Right-Click to lock/unlock Archy
- Right-Click to remove from blacklist
- Right-Click to solve with key stones
- Row Settings
- Select a race to blacklist
- Select races to autofill
- Select races to blacklist
- Set how large the Artifacts list is
- Set how large the Dig Site list is
- Set how large the green area of the survey distance indicator will use
- Set how large the Survey Distance Indicator is
- Set how large the yellow area of the survey distance indicator will use
- Set how transparent or opaque the Artifacts list is
- Set how transparent or opaque the background for the Artifacts list is
- Set how transparent or opaque the background for the Dig Sites list is
- Set how transparent or opaque the border for the Artifacts list is
- Set how transparent or opaque the border for the Dig Sites list is
- Set how transparent or opaque the Dig Site boundaries are
- Set how transparent or opaque the Dig Site list is
- Set how transparent or opaque the Survey Distance Indicator is
- Set the color of the Artifacts list background
- Set the color of the Artifacts list header background
- Set the color of the Dig Sites list background
- Set the color of the Dig Sites list header background
- Set the color of the progress bar for artifacts could solve if you attach key stones to them
- Set the color of the progress bar for artifacts you are working on
- Set the color of the progress bar for artifacts you are working on for the first time
- Set the color of the progress bar for artifacts you can solve
- Set the color of the progress bar for rare artifacts you are working on
- Set the display style of the Dig Sites list.
- Set the texture used by the frame background
- Set the texture used by the frame border
- Set the texture used by the progress bars
- Shift Left-Click to toggle Archy's on-screen lists
- Shift Left-Click to toggle Artifact and Dig Site lists
- Show Archaeology Skill
- Show Archy
- Show Artifacts
- Show Crate Button
- Show Dig Site Boundaries on battlefield map
- Show Dig Site Boundaries on minimap
- Show Dig Sites
- Show Distance
- Show Distances
- Show Fragment Nodes
- Show Lorewalker Items Button
- Show only the nearest dig site on the minimap
- Show Survey Button
- Show the dig site boundaries on the battlefield map
- Show the dig site boundaries on the minimap
- Show the locations where you have collected fragments
- Show your Archaeology skill on the Artifacts list header
- Show your dig sites on the minimap
- Show Zone
- Shows a Crate button with the Distance Indicator.
- Shows a Survey button with the Distance Indicator.
- Shows Lorewalker Items with the Distance Indicator.
- Shows the configuration window
- Shows the Options
- Size
- Sockets
- Solvable Color
- Solvable With Key Stone Color
- solve stone
- Solved Count: %s
- Solves the first artifact it finds that it can solve
- Solves the first artifact it finds that it can solve (including key stones)
- Solving
- Sort by distance
- Sort the dig sites by your distance to them
- stealth
- Style
- Survey
- Survey Distance Indicator
- Surveys
- Surveys:
- The color of the artifact text
- The color of the common artifact text
- The color of the dig site text
- The color of the font
- The color of the header text
- The color of the key stone text
- The color of the rare artifact text
- The corner of the Artifacts list that the frame will grow from.
- The corner of the Dig Sites list that the frame will grow from.
- The corner of the survey distance indicator that the frame will anchor from.
- The font that the artifact text will use
- The font that the dig site text will use
- The font that the header text will use
- The font that will be used
- The outline of the font
- The outline that the artifact name will use
- The outline that the artifact text will use
- The outline that the dig site name will use
- The outline that the dig site text will use
- The outline that the fragment progress will use
- The outline that the header text will use
- The outline that the zone and distance will use
- The style of display for Archy. This will reload your UI after selecting
- Thick Outline
- This setting will control the distance at which the waypoint arrow switches to a downwards arrow, indicating you have arrived at your destination. NOTE: This may not work with emulation addons if they do not support this.
- Toggle if Archy will send the nearest dig site waypoint information to TomTom
- Toggle if Artifacts will be shown
- Toggle if Dig Sites will be shown
- Toggle if only the current continent's dig sites will be shown
- Toggle the display of Archy
- Toggle the display of the dig counter
- Toggle the display of the distance to the dig sites
- Toggle the display of the zone name
- Toggles if the font will have a shadow
- Toggles the dig site icons on the minimap
- Toggles the display of the Artifacts and Dig Sites lists
- Toggles the display of the Artifacts list
- Toggles the display of the Dig Sites list
- Toggles the display of the Minimap Icon
- Toggles the minimap icon of this add-on
- Toggles TomTom Integration
- TomTom Options
- TomTom Support
- Tooltip
- Tooltip Options
- Tooltip Scale
- Top Left
- Top Right
- Total
- Undock
- Undock the survey distance indicator from the Dig Sites list
- Version: %s
- Visit a trainer!
- When you 'arrive' at a waypoint (this distance is controlled by the 'Arrival Distance' setting in this group) a sound can be played to indicate this. You can enable or disable this sound using this setting.
- Yellow Distance Radius
- You can solve %s Artifact - %s (Fragments: %d of %d)
- You have solved |cFFFFFF00%s|r Artifact - |cFFFFFF00%s|r (Times completed: %d)
- Your Archaeology skill is at %d of %d. Are you sure you would like to solve this artifact before visiting a trainer?
- Zone Font Options
- Zone Font Outline
- Zone Font Size