

  • Filename
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  • Uploaded
    Jun 3, 2020
  • Size
    714.63 KB
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Supported WoW Retail Versions

  • 8.3.0


r978 | arkayenro | 2020-06-03 11:41:11 +0000 (Wed, 03 Jun 2020) | 8 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/ArkInventory.lua
   M /trunk/ArkInventory.toc
   M /trunk/ArkInventoryConst.lua
   M /trunk/Locale/deDE.lua
   M /trunk/Locale/enUS.lua
   M /trunk/Locale/esES.lua
   M /trunk/Locale/esMX.lua
   M /trunk/Locale/frFR.lua
   M /trunk/Locale/game.lua
   M /trunk/Locale/itIT.lua
   M /trunk/Locale/koKR.lua
   M /trunk/Locale/ptBR.lua
   M /trunk/Locale/ruRU.lua
   M /trunk/Locale/zhCN.lua
   M /trunk/Locale/zhTW.lua
   M /trunk/Modules/ArkInventoryConfig/ArkInventoryConfig.lua
   M /trunk/VersionHistory.txt

*3.09.28 (03-JUN-2020)*
* fixed - issue with bonus( ) rule function
* fixed - issue with dragging bars
* fixed - issue with soulbound status for guild bank items
* fixed - issue with non threaded keyring scanning
* added - ability to disable the item counts in tooltips for specific items.  accessed via the item menu when in edit mode
* workaround - possible issue with sortkeys being nil

r977 | arkayenro | 2020-05-24 03:16:21 +0000 (Sun, 24 May 2020) | 10 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/ArkInventory.lua
   M /trunk/ArkInventory.toc
   M /trunk/ArkInventoryMenu.lua
   M /trunk/ArkInventoryTooltip.lua
   M /trunk/Locale/deDE.lua
   M /trunk/Locale/enUS.lua
   M /trunk/Locale/esES.lua
   M /trunk/Locale/esMX.lua
   M /trunk/Locale/frFR.lua
   M /trunk/Locale/itIT.lua
   M /trunk/Locale/koKR.lua
   M /trunk/Locale/ptBR.lua
   M /trunk/Locale/ruRU.lua
   M /trunk/Locale/zhCN.lua
   M /trunk/Locale/zhTW.lua
   M /trunk/Modules/ArkInventoryRules/ArkInventoryRules.lua
   M /trunk/VersionHistory.txt

*3.09.28 (xx-xxx-2020)*
* alpha 1
* fixed - issue with bonus( ) rule function
* fixed - issue with dragging bars
* alpha 2
* fixed - issue with soulbound status for guild bank items
* fixed - issue with non threaded keyring scanning
* alpha 3
* added - ability to disable the item counts in tooltips for specific items.  accessed via the item menu when in edit mode

r976 | arkayenro | 2020-05-22 13:07:44 +0000 (Fri, 22 May 2020) | 8 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/ArkInventory.toc
   M /trunk/ArkInventoryStorage.lua
   M /trunk/VersionHistory.txt

*3.09.28 (xx-xxx-2020)*
* alpha 1
* fixed - issue with bonus( ) rule function
* fixed - issue with dragging bars
* alpha 2
* fixed - issue with soulbound status for guild bank items
* fixed - issue with non threaded keyring scanning

r975 | arkayenro | 2020-05-18 10:04:44 +0000 (Mon, 18 May 2020) | 5 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/ArkInventory.lua
   M /trunk/ArkInventory.toc
   M /trunk/ArkInventoryStorage.lua
   M /trunk/Modules/ArkInventoryRules/ArkInventoryRules.lua
   M /trunk/VersionHistory.txt

*3.09.28 (xx-xxx-2020)*
* alpha 1
* fixed - issue with bonus( ) rule function
* fixed - issue with dragging bars
