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    Sep 12, 2020
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Supported WoW Retail Versions

  • 9.0.1


*3.09.36 (xx-xxx-2020)*
* alpha 1
* fixed - issue with mailbox location keybinding
* fixed - (classic) issue with repuation not updating when you close the repuation window
* fixed - issue with level 1 menus going off screen
* fixed - (classic) issue with client detection code
* fixed - issue with tooltips (eg achievement, and others) closing at the first refresh
* fixed - issue with not being able to find an item/spell on certain tooltips
* fixed - issue with SetCurrencyByID
* added - backwards support for Battle Pet BreedID mod (until they update)
* added - backwards support for skinning addons that rely on the frame name (i think it will work)
* added - edit mode: visual feedback when drag and dropping bars
* added - edit mode: visual feedback when drag and dropping items
* changed - you can now enable auto-sell on system categories (at your own risk)
* changed - edit mode: item menu updated to allow access to its category options
* changed - LDB menus (pet, mount, reputation) can now be accessed from their respective windows main menu in the event you dont have an LDB display mod installed
* alpha 2
* adding - (not fully implemented) right click on a bar label for the ability to transfer all items in that bar to the bank/backpack.  note 1 - will only work on bars that have a name. note 2 - bar labels span the entire bar width so the empty space on either side of the text will also accept a click
* alpha 3
* fixed - tooltip reload code rebuilt to make it more reliable
* fixed - issue with SetBagItem
* fixed - issue with SetInboxItem (mostly with battlepets)
* added - edit mode: with ALT down, dragging an item and dropping it onto another item will assign the (non rule) category of the destination item to the source item
* changed - LDB currency module now uses a heirarchical menu
* changed - LDB reputation module now uses a heirarchical menu
* changed - clicking empty space anywhere inside the window will now close any menus that are open
* alpha 4
* fixed - issue with itemrack
* alpha 5
* updated - internal periodictable data
* fixed - any open menus are now close when edit mode is toggled
* changed - the reputation format token *bp* is now an integer (no decimal places).  if you want 1 or 2 decimal places use *bp1* or *bp2*
* note - where an item is a hand-in for more than one reputation only the first match (its semi-random) is displayed.  i'll try to find a way to display all of them but that might mean a very large tooltip
* alpha 6
* fixed - issue where azerite items were categorised as junk if you didnt have the heart equipped
* fixed - saving/deleting a set in itemrackoptions will now trigger an item cache clear
* fixed - issue with item cache being cleared on some bag updates when it didnt need to be
* alpha 7
* added - edit mode: with ALT down, dragging a bar and dropping it onto another bar will move all categories on the source bar to the destination bar

Additional Files

Type Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
730.93 KB Sep 12, 2020 9.0.1 29