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  • Uploaded
    Apr 9, 2008
  • Size
    568.25 KB
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Supported WoW Retail Versions

  • 2.4.0


  • 2.27.03 (10-APR-2008)*
* info - all cached item data has been cleared - you will need to login to each character for AI to rebuild their data
* added - emblem font
* added - wearing window
* added - mailbox window
* added - keybindings for mailbox and wearing
* fixed - warning message from guild bank when you dont have view access to the current tab but another alt does (and it tried to scan it)
* fixed - tooltips for items on unviewable tabs
* fixed - dressup and compare abilities on guild bank items
* fixed - issue with wearing data
* fixed - issue with debug info
* fixed - issue with generic scanning code
* fixed - bag tooltips now go under the icons so they don't overlap any item icons above them
* changed - libsharedmedia (font/texture library) from version 2 to 3
* changed - guild bank data retrieval from server
* changed - search window will now search as each character is entered
* changed - search window width increased slightly
* changed - rule window will now search as each character is entered
* changed - title window layout
* changed - window width, minimum from 8 to 6, maximum from 32 to 40