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  • Uploaded
    May 5, 2008
  • Size
    578.12 KB
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Supported WoW Retail Versions

  • 2.4.0


  • 2.27.04 (05-MAY-2008)*
* fixed - issue with offline data cleanup routine
* fixed - data is now purged when you leave the mailbox, bank and vault if you dont have them set for offline
* fixed - issue when using standalone libraries
* changed - status menu replaces (combines) the monitor (new), offline, and hide blizzard menus
* changed - monitor, offline and hide blizzard options are set per character
* changed - menu now includes the switch character and location options if the title frame is hidden
* changed - bucket timer increased to 0.5 seconds (item changes/moves wont update for that long)
* added - guild bank item and money logs (via right click menu on tab icons)
* added - remaining daily withdrawals shown on guild bank tab tooltip