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UploadedAug 5, 2014
Size580.98 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 6.0.1
r435 | arkayenro | 2014-08-06 00:23:58 +0000 (Wed, 06 Aug 2014) | 7 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/ArkInventory.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventory.toc
M /trunk/ArkInventoryCompanion.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryLDB.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryMenu.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryMountJournal.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryStorage.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryTranslate.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryUpgrades.lua
M /trunk/Locale/deDE.lua
M /trunk/Locale/enUS.lua
M /trunk/Locale/esES.lua
M /trunk/Locale/esMX.lua
M /trunk/Locale/frFR.lua
M /trunk/Locale/game.lua
M /trunk/Locale/itIT.lua
M /trunk/Locale/koKR.lua
M /trunk/Locale/ptBR.lua
M /trunk/Locale/ruRU.lua
M /trunk/Locale/zhCN.lua
M /trunk/Locale/zhTW.lua
M /trunk/Modules/ArkInventoryConfig/ArkInventoryConfig.lua
M /trunk/VersionHistory.txt
*3.04.01 (06-AUG-2014) BETA WARLORDS*
* fixed - mount code should work a lot better now
* fixed - mount menu options
* changed - option for using flying mounts as land mounts moved to the flying mounts menu
* added - manually coded mount types - if anything ends up on the custom tab then let me know the number, name and type of mount and i'll update it
* added - workaround for savedvariables issue
r433 | arkayenro | 2014-07-31 13:56:36 +0000 (Thu, 31 Jul 2014) | 16 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/ArkInventory.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventory.toc
M /trunk/ArkInventory.xml
M /trunk/ArkInventoryCompanion.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryLDB.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryMenu.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryMoney.lua
A /trunk/ArkInventoryMountJournal.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryPetJournal.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryRealms.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryRestack.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryStaticPopups.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryStorage.lua
D /trunk/ArkInventorySync.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryTooltip.lua
A /trunk/ArkInventoryToyBox.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryTranslate.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryUpgrades.lua
M /trunk/Bindings.xml
M /trunk/Locale/deDE.lua
M /trunk/Locale/enUS.lua
M /trunk/Locale/esES.lua
M /trunk/Locale/esMX.lua
M /trunk/Locale/frFR.lua
M /trunk/Locale/game.lua
M /trunk/Locale/itIT.lua
M /trunk/Locale/koKR.lua
M /trunk/Locale/ptBR.lua
M /trunk/Locale/ruRU.lua
M /trunk/Locale/zhCN.lua
M /trunk/Locale/zhTW.lua
M /trunk/Modules/ArkInventoryConfig/ArkInventoryConfig.lua
M /trunk/Modules/ArkInventoryConfig/ArkInventoryConfig.toc
M /trunk/Modules/ArkInventoryRules/ArkInventoryRules.lua
M /trunk/Modules/ArkInventoryRules/ArkInventoryRules.toc
M /trunk/Modules/ArkInventoryRules_Example/ArkInventoryRules_Example.toc
M /trunk/VersionHistory.txt
*3.04.00 (31-JUL-2014) BETA WARLORDS 18594*
* note - all item data has been erased. please login to each character to update its data
* changed - toc set to 60000
* added - reagent bank - displayed as the last bank bag. to purchase right click on the empty slot icon and select purchase (the cost is shown in the tooltip)
* added - you can now purchase a bank bag slot via the right click menu (the cost is shown in the tooltip)
* fixed - cosmetic issue when buying bank bag slots and the "buy" text staying there
* changed - the restack function now uses the internal bag cleanup function for the bank and bags (its much faster and has options which i havent included yet)
* added - second void storage tab is now scanned
* added - toybox location and category (you cannot click on the items but you can drag them onto an action bar)
* aded - new item glow
* added - realm connection: Elune and Gilneas
* changed - realm connection: Deathwing to Executus / Kalecgos / Shattered Halls
* note - pets and mounts are a bit weird at the moment, make sure the translations have completed before trying to do anything with them
* note - i cant tell what type of mount it is at the moment so youll need to set that up or you wont see any mounts - its in the config under LDB (yes i know i'll fix that later)
* note - there will be issues, its beta, be patient
r431 | arkayenro | 2014-07-19 15:37:01 +0000 (Sat, 19 Jul 2014) | 8 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/ArkInventory.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventory.toc
M /trunk/ArkInventoryCompanion.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryRealms.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryStorage.lua
M /trunk/VersionHistory.txt
*3.03.36 (20-JUN-2014)*
* added - ability to select flying mounts as land mounts (mostly for those without the flying skill), disabled by default, accessed via the ldb menu or mount locations main menu
* added - cross realm support for item counts and money amounts
* changed - money tooltips now use the item tooltip options to determine which othr characters data is displayed
* fixed - cosmetic issue when buying bank bag slots and the "buy" text staying there (it now goes away after a refresh)
* fixed - issue where tooltip option for self only was based on character name and the change to displaying multiple realms meant characters with the same name would all display, its now based on character id
* fixed - issue where item counts were not being sorted alphabetically
r430 | arkayenro | 2014-07-06 00:59:38 +0000 (Sun, 06 Jul 2014) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/.pkgmeta
M /trunk/ArkInventory.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventory.toc
M /trunk/ArkInventory.xml
M /trunk/ArkInventoryCompanion.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryExternals.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryLDB.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryMedia.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryMenu.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryMoney.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryPetJournal.lua
A /trunk/ArkInventoryRealms.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryRestack.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryRules.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventorySearch.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventorySearch.xml
M /trunk/ArkInventoryStaticPopups.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryStorage.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryTooltip.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryTranslate.lua
M /trunk/ArkInventoryUpgrades.lua
M /trunk/Bindings.xml
M /trunk/Locale/deDE.lua
M /trunk/Locale/enUS.lua
M /trunk/Locale/esES.lua
M /trunk/Locale/esMX.lua
M /trunk/Locale/frFR.lua
M /trunk/Locale/itIT.lua
M /trunk/Locale/koKR.lua
M /trunk/Locale/locale.xml
M /trunk/Locale/ptBR.lua
M /trunk/Locale/ruRU.lua
M /trunk/Locale/zhCN.lua
M /trunk/Locale/zhTW.lua
M /trunk/Modules/ArkInventoryConfig/ArkInventoryConfig.lua
M /trunk/Modules/ArkInventoryConfig/ArkInventoryConfig.toc
M /trunk/ReadMe.txt
M /trunk/VersionHistory.txt
M /trunk/embeds.xml
- alpha only