ArkInventory (for The War Within)
:boom: Please ensure you are using the latest alpha version if you have the War Within client.
ArkInventory (for Retail, Classic, and Cataclysm)
ArkInventory's display windows are built from "virtual bars", you assign categories to bars so that items in that category are displayed on the specific bars you want. There is no limit to the number of bars you can have inside a window but obviously you only have so much screen real estate before it becomes "too many".
ArkInventory uses several methods to assign a default category to an item such as what professions you have, tooltip scanning, basic type/subtype and PeriodicTable. You then assign those categories to a virtual bar.
You can also over-ride the default category by creating a rule that matches either a single or multiple items.
- user configurable window width and height
- separate keybindings for each location for easy viewing
- assign items to a category of your choice (overrides the default assignment)
- assign categories to the bar of your choice
- unlimited number of bars (there are practical limits though before your screen becomes full)
- sort each bar differently if required
- user configurable bars per row
- sell junk items automatically or manually (delete available via a keybinding or right clicking when at a vendor)
- random pet and mount summons. can also assign a group of them to select from
Key Bindings:
- Press ESCAPE to bring up the blizzard menu
- click on Key Bindings
- scroll down to AddOns > ArkInventory
- bind the keys you want to use
Need Help?
:memo: Wiki
:memo: Frequently Asked Questions
:memo: Sorting
:memo: Rules
:memo: If you are having an issue the first step is to disable all other mods and test with only ArkInventory loaded
:memo: If the issue is still there, please check for an existing issue and create a new issue if required.
:memo: If the issue is gone, re-enable your other mods one by one until the issue comes back, then note the last mod you enabled in your issue as well as notifying the author of the other mod
See for changes to the latest version. See for all previous changes.
:boom: The NoLib variant
it seems quite a few people are somehow getting the NoLib variant from their download client when they didn't specifically ask for it, instead of the full variant, and its causing issues as they don't have the required libraries installed separately. Please ensure you are downloading the full. if you see nolib in the filename then its the wrong variant, unless you are actually installing all of the required libraries separately as well. If you have to you can manually download the full variant from CurseForge, WoWInterface, or Wago.
:boom: Junk Sell getting blocked
While auto-destroy remains blocked, From 30960 onwards you can setup a Key Binding to manually sell and destroy your items. Note that blizzard require one keypress per item deletion, so if you have multiple items that need to be deleted you will need to press the Key Binding multiple times. A message will be output if you have remaining items that can still be deleted.
:warning: Ensure you have backup copies of your saved variables file
Sometimes you cannot revert back to a previous version without a backup, especially alpha or beta versions, so before upgrading please make sure you have made a backup of your saved variables file
Your saved variables file is normally located at ...\World of Warcraft\_client_\WTF\Account\yourwowaccountname\SavedVariables\ArkInventory.lua
It is your responsibility to ensure you have adequate backups of your saved variables file. You dont have to do them frequently, just after you've made major changes to your config is probably fine for most people, but you should get into the habit of making backups because when it does corrupt you wont have to reconfigure everything from scratch.
If you have your download client set to automatically download alpha/beta versions you should definitely have backups.
A simple way to back up the saved variables file is to just do a copy and paste then rename the new file (using the version number of ArkInventory or the date is a good idea), eg ArkInventory-30900.lua, or ArkInventory-20191228.lua
The bag view displays offset (the bottom hangs below the screen), it says NO DATA (you can only see part of the word on the bottom), and I can't move the window.
I've tried doing a /ai cache erase confirm, reloading the UI, and toggling on and off the Bag "Override" option.
Any ideas?
This is VERY frustrating when having configured the addon for ages!
I must disable "override" to be able to see them again
Arkinventory is a great addon, i like it and i use it every day.
Currently i am in a process off optimizing my addon usage for minimal memory requierements. Sadly, Arkinventory's memory consumption can jump sky high as it caches its item location matrix in its lua file.(i know i can turn off various features but it still caches items)
For my taste, there should be something like "Arkinventory light" that doesnt saves any itemdata/location. I know it cancels any features like itemcount in tooltip (+alts) and offline browsing bank/alts, but i would not mind.
One small issue, I have an alt that holds all the glyphs that I craft for the auction house. I had it set up so I had 10 different bars, and each one was set to only have items in "Class -> Shaman", or "Class -> Paladin". It used to be that all the glyphs were sorted into bars by class, but since the latest update it doesn't do that anymore. Any idea why this happened? It was quite nice to have them all grouped by class...
On my priest and druid, I have numerous gear sets. Healing, DPS, Tanking, along with some items that get switched out for some sonorous, and I have categories for each.
But things can get mixed up as I get upgrades in gear and equip it right away or do some gear swop comparisons.
I'd like to request away to set an items category when it's already equipped. Like open bags, open your char window, hit edit on bags, and just as you can right click on items in the bags to set their category, be able to do the same thing for the gear you already have on.
I'd also would like a "clear all" or "add all" options. Like, you have some older gear in your dps slot, and just got a lot of replacements though a night of grinding (TOC did this for my mage) so now most the gear that is in your DPS slot that you do not currently have wearing is now old and useless. I'd like a "clear items that are currently sitting in this catagory (not counting stuff you are wearing) so they are no longer listed under such and just go back to default. Then maybe an "add all equipped items to this category"
Just some thoughts to make handleing stuff like gear a bit easier.
Date: 2009-09-24 22:28:01
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\ArkInventory\ArkInventory.lua line 7361:
bad argument #3 to 'format' (string expected, got nil)
(tail call): ?
[C]: ?
[C]: format()
ArkInventory\ArkInventory.lua:7361: DisplayName3()
ArkInventory\ArkInventoryMoney.lua:483: MoneyFrame_Tooltip()
ArkInventory\ArkInventoryMoney.lua:334: MoneyFrame_OnEnter()
[string "*:OnEnter"]:1:
[string "*:OnEnter"]:1
Swatter, v5.5.4293 (WombatII)
Ace2, v
Ace3, v
AdvancedTradeSkillWindow, v
Altoholic, v3.2.002
ArkInventory, v3.02
AtlasLoot, vv5.08.01
AtlasLootFu, vv5.08.01
Auditor2, v4.3.2
Babble22, v2.2.$Revision: 66632 $
Babylonian, v5.1.DEV.130
Broker2FuBar, v1.0
BrokerAuditor, v4.3.2
Cartographer, v2.0
CartographerBattlegrounds, v2.0
CartographerCoordinates, v2.0
CartographerFoglight, v2.0
CartographerGroupColors, v2.0
CartographerGuildPositions, v2.0
CartographerLookNFeel, v2.0
CartographerMailboxes, v1.0
CartographerNoteHere, v
CartographerNotes, v2.0
CartographerPOI, v2.0
CartographerWaypoints, v2.0
CartographerZoneInfo, v2.0
ClassTimer, v2.3
ClearFont2, v2.6
ClearFont2FontPack, v1.0
Configator, v5.1.DEV.190
CooldownCount, v3.0
CooldownTimers2, v2.5
DataStore, v3.2.002
DataStoreAchievements, v3.2.002
DataStoreAuctions, v3.2.002
DataStoreCharacters, v3.2.002
DataStoreContainers, v3.2.002
DataStoreCrafts, v3.2.002
DataStoreCurrencies, v3.2.002
DataStoreInventory, v3.2.002
DataStoreMails, v3.2.002
DataStorePets, v3.2.002
DataStoreQuests, v3.2.002
DataStoreReputations, v3.2.002
DataStoreSkills, v3.2.002
DataStoreSpells, v3.2.002
DataStoreStats, v3.2.002
DataStoreTalents, v3.2.002
DBMBurningCrusade, v
DBMCore, v
DebugLib, v5.1.DEV.130
EnchantrixBarker, v5.5.4293 (WombatII)
EnhTooltip, v5.1.3715 (SnaggleTooth)
FireExit, vr3
FishingBuddy, v0.9.8b
friends4ever, v
FuBar, v
FuBarDurabilityFu, v2.11
FubarEmoteFu, v3.0.0-3.0-0.2
FuBarExpFu, v2.1.2
FuBarFactionsFu, v2.2.1-79
FuBarFarmerFu, v2.0.$Revision: 63418 $
FuBarFriendsFu, v2.4.4-103
FuBarGuildFu, v2.4.4-117
FuBarHealBotFu, v3.0.2-1.00
FuBarLocationFu, v3.0
FuBarOutfitterFu, v03.
FuBarPerformanceFu, v2.0.0
FuBartcgTradeskills, v
FuBarTopScoreFu, vv1.0.5
FuBarWorldPVPFu, v1.0
HandyNotes, v1.1.4
HandyNotesFlightMasters, v1.0.3
HandyNotesMailboxes, v1
HandyNotesTrainers, v1.1.9
HandyNotesVendors, v1.1.6
HealBot, v3.2.0.10
IceHUD, v1.5.14 (Revision: 442)
Informant, v5.5.4293 (WombatII)
LevelUpGrats, v0.4
LibBabbleBoss30, v
LibBabbleCreatureType30, v
LibBabbleFaction30, v
LibBabbleInventory30, v
LibBabbleZone30, v
LibDogTag30, v1.0
LibGratuity30, vr$Revision: 41183 $
LibRock10, v
Multishot, v1.6
Omen, v3.0.8
Outfitter, v4.8
Postal, v3.2.0
PowerAuras, v2.6.0
Prat30, v3.2.4
Prat30Libraries, v
QuestHelper, v1.1.19
RandomCompanion, v1.6.2
RatingBuster, v
Recount, v
Routes, vv1.2.7
SharedMedia, v3.0
SilverDragon, vv2.3.2
SlideBar, v5.5.4293 (WombatII)
SpamMeNot, v3.2
Stubby, v5.5.4293 (WombatII)
SwindlerPreventer, v3.2
TooltipOnMouse, v1.04
TotemCaddy, v0.1
UrbinRange, v30200.1
WIM, v3.1.3
WoWEquip, vBeta 1.1
1. If I press "b" to open up my bags, ArkInventory's CPU usage jumps from 0.00-0.01% to ~7.00-9.00%. Once my bags are open, its CPU usage drops back down to 0.00%. Since the mod is technically loaded already at login, is this expected?
2. If I have my bank view open (or really any view - bag, mounts, etc), and pass my cursor over my items in the bank, LibTipHooker-1.1's CPU usage jumps up to 15-25% and, oddly enough, Outfitter's CPU usage jumps up to (yes, this is a big range) 20-50%. Once I close my bank or other views or move my cursor off of the views, LibTip's and Outfitter's CPU usage goes back to normal. Typical?
no idea, ai doesnt intefere with other addons including their own tooltip text. i presume outfitter is trying to add its own text to the tooltip for when an item is in an outfit, maybe disable the tooltip stuff for outfitter if youre worried about it.