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    Jun 1, 2015
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    733.55 KB
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Supported WoW Retail Versions

  • 6.1.0


James D. Callahan III:
    - Refactored and de-convoluted trainer scanning: now finds crafted item IDs every time, and no longer looks at the crafted item's skill level in comparison to the recipe spell's required skill level.
    - Refactor spell tooltip code.
    - Added matching on "crafting reagent" so those recipes will be exempt from the "No role flag." warning.
    - More output improvements.
    - Stop using name matching for trainer scans; grab the actual recipe spell ID from the trainer's recipe tooltip. This guarantees correctness, and lets us go back to automagically setting skill levels based on what the trainer says they are.
    - Scan the recipe's item ID _in addition to_ checking if it's flagged as trainer and has an item ID. Improved output formatting.
    - Remove the recipe and is_vendor parameters from ScanTooltip(), and don't clear scan_data after scanning the recipe's tooltip. Miscellaneous cleanups.
    - Add filters by their ID, not by name. This stops a beeg asplosion.
    - Cleanups.
    - Dead code removal.
    - Only add trainers to a recipe if they share a profession (recipe name confusion...)
    - Don't automatically "correct" recipe skill levels, since the trainer only reports the name which can be confused with an entirely different recipe.
    - Greatly simplify things and improve accuracy by directly using the recipe object when scanning, instead of using convoluted name-to-ID lookups that can fail due to duplicate recipe names.
    - Dead code removal.
    - Kill needless file header.
    - Added ACHIEVEMENT and MISC1 to the OBTAIN_FILTERS table - partially fixes ticket #1678
    - FS => FilterStrings
    - Update No Role Flags

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