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UploadedSep 25, 2012
Size1.64 MB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 5.0.5
Atlas Arena, a World of Warcraft instance map browser plug-in for Atlas
Copyright 2010 ~ 2012 Arith Hsu <arithmandarjp @ yahoo.co.jp
= Change Log =
* 1.3.6 (2012/09/26)
- TOC update to support WoW 5.0
* 1.3.5 (2011/12/17)
- TOC update to support WoW 4.3
- zhCN translation update
* 1.3.4 (2011/06/28)
- TOC update to support WoW 4.2
* 1.3.3 (2011/05/10)
- Maps level info update
- Rumble Cage map revamp
* 1.3.2 (2011/04/28)
- TOC update to support WoW 4.1
* 1.3.1 (2011/01/12)
- Update Amphitheater of Anguish map info, added bosses
* 1.3 (2011/01/11)
- Map added: Amphitheater of Anguish
* 1.2 (2011/01/04)
- Maps updated: Gurubashi Arena, RumbleCage Arena
- Maps added: Crucible of Carnage, Valhalas, The Ring of Blood
* 1.1 (2010/10/13)
- TOC update to support WoW 4.0
* 1.0 (2010/07/21)
- Initial creation
- Below Arena Maps are included
- Blade's Edge Arena (The Circle Of Blood)
- Dalaran Arena
- Nagrand Arena (The Ring of Trials)
- The Ring of Valor
- Ruins of Lordaeron
- Gurubashi Arena
- The Rumble Cage