Search results filters: 0 found, Max bid / buyout per item #65

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to merialkilrogg
  • _ForgeUser3368939 created this issue Nov 30, 2010

    I would like to be able to specify a maximum bid and buyout for each item that I am willing to pay, and have the option to filter items that exceed these values out of the search results. For example, let's say I'm only willing to pay 3 silver for a piece of silk cloth. Somewhere I should be able to enter that information, and when I search for silk cloth, hide any results that exceed 3 silver for the bid price, so that I can just click, shift-click the entire list of results, and click bid. However, I would probably be willing to pay a different amount for some other item, such as Eternal Shadows.

    Also, it would save time if items for which there are currently no listings could be filtered out of the summary screen, rather than displaying as having 0 found. Combining this with the previous option of filtering out items that have been specified as being too expensive could result in a much faster shopping experience.

    This should all be optional behavior, both because it would not be useful or desirable for all users, or even specific users all the time, and has additional processing overhead. Checkboxes should ideally be on the search summary screen, with the results updating as the boxes are checked and unchecked, without having to rescan the auction house.

  • _ForgeUser3368939 added the tags New Enhancment Nov 30, 2010

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