Latin American Spanish
All Namespaces
- (D)
- is not a valid set.
- %s added to AuraAlarm.
- %s added.
- <Aura ID here>
- <Aura name here>
- <Duration here>
- <Enter player name>
- <New aura here>
- 0 means do not consider stack count.
- Add
- Add an aura
- Add and remove auras
- Add Aura
- Add this alarm
- Alarm copied.
- Alarm mode
- Alarm shared with %s.
- Aura ID
- Aura Name
- Aura removed.
- Blink
- Blink Rate
- Captured Auras - Click to add
- Change the flash color
- Change to this set when I target <name>
- Click this in case the icon or background doesn't fade. May fix other issues as well.
- Color
- Color key
- Configure AuraAlarm
- Coordinates
- Copy
- Copy an alarm's settings
- Create a Set
- Current Set
- Default
- Delayed Alarm
- Delete Set
- Duration
- Duration of fade 'in' and 'out' effects.
- Duration of flash effects
- Duration Precision
- Enable Mouse
- Enabled
- Enter a name for this set.
- Fade Time
- Fire alarm this many seconds from end of aura's duration
- Flash Duration
- Flash Once
- Frame x position
- Frame y position
- Frames
- Harmful
- Helpful
- How many screen layers
- ID for Aura
- In Seconds
- Layer
- Layers
- Light
- Light mode has less features
- Mode
- Name for Aura
- None
- Normal
- Normal Mode Rate (in ms)
- Operation Mode
- Persist
- Persisting Sound
- Play Sound
- Profiles
- Rate at which Persisting Sound will fire. This is in milliseconds.
- Received alarm added.
- Received Alarms
- Remove
- Remove aura
- Reset AuraAlarm
- Save Set
- Sender
- Set %s applied.
- Set saved.
- Set the flash duration
- Sets
- Settings
- Share
- Share this alarm with a player
- Show Icon
- Show icon frame
- Single Decimal
- Someone shared these alarms with you
- Sound Rate
- Sound to play
- Stacks
- Stacks:
- Target
- This alarm's layer
- This player sent this alarm to you
- Toggle playing sounds
- Toggle repeating sound throughout aura. This only pertains to Persist Mode.
- Toggle whether to delay flash. This only pertains to Flash Once mode.
- Troubleshooting
- Type
- Unit
- Usage: /auraalarm getset Default
- Usually a black color with half opacity.
- Warning Sound
- When to Fire
- Whether this alarm is enabled
- Which alarm set to use
- You are afflicted by %s.