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UploadedJul 10, 2015
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Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 6.2.0
tag v3.08
Matthias Fechner <idefix@fechner.net>
2015-07-10 23:26:19 +0200
Tagging as v3.08
Matthias Fechner:
- Update toc to version 60200.
- Change addon name in event handler from AutoInvite to autoInvite as curse stored the directory name not equal as on my machine. Thanks to Gazzuk reporting it.
- Removed some not necessary calls.
- Added some more German localization.
- Changed event registration and call.
- Fixed bug in split realm and username function.
- Fixed problem with text color change on group and raid invite buttons.
- Replaced some critical characters in code.
- Added debug message to show the locale.
- Added a second initialization to make sure autoInvite.control is really initialized.
- Updated TOC file.
- Fixed realmName API change.
- Disabled all escape handlers, seems to be a bug in the blizzard UI.
- Fixed problem with reset command.
- Changed code that it uses user name and realm name.
- Updated toc to version 50100.
- Started to handle userName and realmName instead of only userName.
- Added a new comment to invite player based on battle-tag.
- Read version from toc file instead using and svn auto generated string.
- API change event names.
- Try at first to register the command /autoinvite after this register /ai.
- Added monk and increased max level to 90.
- API change GetNumGroupMembers. After the API changes naming from Raid -> Group and group/party -> SubGroup.
- Use a self written function to get the unitName, after it changes again and again.
- Fixed problem with add player from the key binding.
- Updated toc.
- Updated to 4.2 Patch.
- Updated toc to version 4.01
- Stop the invite process if all queued members are in the group/raid.
- Added more references to the self reference.
- Fixed slash command, now the command /ai and /autoinvite works fine again.
- Added config frame in standard wow addon gui.
- Changed message if addon is loaded.
- Added some more debugging code.
- Enabled debugging code.
- Added some more debugging code.
- Added more arguments to the event handler. Reformatted code.
- Moved main panel to top of the xml file.
- Fixed possible registration of shortcut command.
- Replaced getglobal() with _G[]. Modified code to use the local self instead of the global this.
- Updated toc to new version.
- Fixed a bug for all classes with a space in them.
- Fixed problem with french translation for class death knight (Thank to Galiorion to provide a working version).
- Added Death Knight to exceptions for french language
- Fixed small typos.
- Updated toc.
- Updated french translation (thanks to Jerome providing and testing it).
- Added a function to import data from the blizzard raid calendar. Only the first raid from today is imported by this function, maybe I will add additional features later (depends who may need this). Fixed a bug when click to Add and no player is targeted. When doing a zone check you will get a message now when all players are in your zone. Reorganized inclusion of localization files. Fixed a bug with the new class Death Knight.
- Fixed some problems with zone-check.
- Added basic functions to display raid members which are not in the same zone.
- Added scroll functionality to complete list.
- Added functionality to filter complete list quickly by inserting a text. The filter will search in character name/class/level. Filter can be disabled by pressing the Escape key.
- Fixed bug: Right click on the death knight displayed the context menu on a wrong position.
- Changed encoding to UTF8.
- Added DeathKnight to German localization.
- The list is now sorted when you click on sort. Set the correct color for the death knight. Changed scroll list to change WoW API. That fixed the bug when you try to scroll the complete list. Fixed a localization error with the death knight.
- Added DeathKnight.
- Update for patch 3.0.2.
- Fixed problem with Load Guild in german version (thx to doubter13 for reporting that). Now sort the list if Update or Clear is clicked and the sort checkbox is selected.
- Changed logic for raid convert. That hopefully will fix problems reported. Disabled logging of message per default. To log now message you have to do /ai verbose.
- Updated toc.
- Added patched version to generate correct CSV data from eqdkp with raidplanner 3.1.0.
- Clear character in the comment field to display colors correctly, blizzard has changed their something again.
- Upgraded toc.
- Added phpraider plugin link
- Prepared tooltips to make it configurable.
- Updated toc.
- Fixed a problem in CSV import (Thx to Keifan for reporting it).
- Fixed problem with importing guild members in the Germnan client (thx to zwersean to report it). All other version must be translated too.
- Corrected a problem with in group or raid detection.
- Updated toc. Classes now listed in WOW UI color.
- Fixed a problem with Chinese characters.
- Added Traditional Chinese translation (thx to Shelly Tsai).
- Added Traditional Chinese translation (thx to Shelly Tsai).
- Update toc to patch 2.0.6.
- Updated toc to new version.
- Fixed problems with the tooltips. Add note to patch location for eqDKP which can now generate files needed by autoInvite.
- Added documentation for the addon which is displayed now ingame. Easily go over a button and you can see a tooltip.
- Fixed some loops to be compatible with 2.0.
- Fixed some Burning Crusade syntax changes. Added Shaman to window. Changed API call InviteByName to InviteUnit. Removed class from small lists to save space so it is possible to place an additional list to the window. Replaced string.find with strsplit to split CSV import on ":".
- The function IsReadLeader is buggy so use a self programmed one. Corrected some small typos move groups should work now again.
- Increased invite delay to 2 seconds. Replace Add Char window with own window on which you can select the class of the player (thx to Daroh for the idea).
- Fixed problem where you can add a player without a name (thx to Daroh to mention it).
- Added lock checkbox to complete list. If that checkbox is selected players cannot removed from complete list. Fixed a problem with scrolling in the lists.
- Values are now saved and loaded correctly at startup.
- Changed mod to OOP.
- Help is now displayed if the command send with /ai is not correct or no command is send.
- Add function to add all guild members to the addon (thx _Elwe_ for the patch).
- Added the command /ai reset. This command resets all saved values to the default values. You can use this function if you have problems with mod and you want be sure that to old invalid data from older versions causes your error messages. Maybe you want to backup the foloowing file before doing this: WTF\Account\_accountname_\_realm_\_Playername_\SavedVariables\AutoInvite.lua
- Added field error message to internal array. Prepared mod for localization.
- If no description in CSV import is defined the setup will not be saved.
- Fixed problem with reading the group correctly (Thanks to IDispatch).
- Increased the delay between the invites should solve some problems.
- If button GetState is clicked the mod will be activated.
- Correct problem that it is necessary to press the move group button several times.
- Players which are inGroup are not checked with the /who command if they are online while getState button is clicked.
- Corrected problem in move groups.
- Corrected some problems in the move groups function.
- Changed move groups function to event triggered function.
- Added addon info for /who command to german description.
- The mod can check now if guild members are online. If they are online they get a green color in the complete list.
- Corrected problem with CSV import, last line with missing \n is imported now (Thx to Moatu for the fix).
- Corrected docu.
- Disabled the message 'Selected Player ... is in list, skipping'
- The comment field can now a multiline field, separate the lines with <br>, e.g. 'line1<br>line2<br>line3'.
- Replaced some fixed values with variables. Corrected problems with sorting. The level for a player is not reseted to 0 if the player is not in game and Update is clicked.
- At CSV import all old values are deleted. With '/ai verbose' the debug mode can be activated and deactivated.
- Update toc to version 1.12.
- Fixed problem while inviting people and no one is in the list. (thx to Robinna to mention it)
- The complete list can be sorted alphabetically or not, configurable with a checkbox.
- Changed sequence of invitations. Now people are invited like in the order of the CSV list.
- Updated docu.
- Updated toc file.
- disabled debugging output to console.
- Completed the function for dumping the variables to file. To dump write into the chat: /ai dump
- Added new command /ai debug. Reset Raid flag if Group-Invite is clicked.
- Changed Layout for messages.
- Fixed variable assignment.
- Added some debugging code to find postion which event is called if raid event occurs. Added checks to CSV import.
- Escape close the Add-Player window now. Right click on SHAMAN chars now working, thx to Thereos. Problems with tooltip fixed.
- Corrected problem with CSV import, thx to Schleicher.
- Added french translation thx to Hubert Albin.
- Remove player from control table if player is removed from the complete list.
- Fixed a small problem with some players.
- Renamed the print functions to autoInviteChatMsg and autoInviteDebugMsg.
- Fixed some problems in event handling. Invitation will be stopped now if mod is disabled by user. Corrected german localisation.
- Removed mapping from AutoInviteCompleteList to AutoInviteControl and switched the keys of the AutoInviteControl.member array to the playernames as keys for easier referencing
- If the invitation is started with the button Raid-Invite or Group-Invite the text gets green and the normal color again if the invitation is canceled or finished.
- The comment for a player is now displayed as a popup message at the cursor position.
- fixed typo
- Added hidden frame for our OnUpdate handling Changed AutoInvite completly to event based data handling
- Corrected docu.
- Corrected indent.
- Fixed problem when playername is not set.
- Unified the _OnClick functions to a single function CLASS_OnClick and removed the class depended ones. Fixed wrong assoziation to the _OnClick functions in CLASS_Init to CLASS_OnClick.
- Loading of data via CSV file is now possible.
- CSV window is hidden now.
- Moved all graphical templates into the file autoInviteTemplate.xml Changed framelevels from the GUI objects. Add GUI window for CSV import.
- added rudimentary OnUpdate support for eventbased control of AutoInvite
- added localization code to detect if a player is offline during invite
- Got rid of 300 lines of code through virtualizing the dropdown menues: Moved the onLoad part in the xml from the frame definitions into the virtual template and changed the classified _OnLoads into a unified CLASS_OnLoad Removed the XYZ_OnLoad and XYZ_Init functions for all dropdowns and replaced them with a unified autoInviteDropDownCLASS_Init(and _OnLoad) which can be called from all dropdowns via referring to its framename
- Completely re-indented the code to fix wrong tabs
- Fixed problem with a deadlock in function autoInviteBuildGroups().
- Removed localized field class from array.
- localizationarrays redone
- Added new wishes to todo list.
- Corrected spell errors.
- Corrected problem in the complete list.
- Fixed a problem which is not closing a popup if user is removed from the grouplist (thx to Satsh for reporting this).
- Update toc for 1.10 patch.
- Corrected a problem with the scrolling of the complete list.
- Corrected a problem with some special characters in names.
- Removed, not need in mod.
- Updated documentation for SHAMAN.
- Added shamane to supported chars.
- Added description in german and english.
- Added screenshots.
- Updated graphics to look better.
- Added version tag to GUI.
- Added Revision to a variable.
- The saved groupsetup is reseted now when clicked to "Read Group"
- First version of the readmefile in german.
- Lists are now at the beginning scrollable. Removed buggy decoration of the scrollbars.
- Removed file, dont need it anymore.
- Disabled some debugging messages.
- Read now the information about myself correctly if update is pressed.
- Activate mod if key for invite is pressed.
- Corrected some additional problems like cannot read player information.
- Added an additional update to keep the GUI up-to-date.
- Fixed a typo which prevents the update button to work properly.
- Corrected some stuff if player is to far away and invited to list and not in complete list.
- Updated toc to the new version.
- Adding player is now possible if player is not in range. If player is in group but not in list, the player is now added to the complete list automatically if mod is active. If button Move Groups is clicked, function tests if player the raid leader if not function will not be executed (fix a hangup). Added a new button Clear to move all players back to the complete list.
- If player is invited and the mod is active he/she will automatically added to the complete list. Player information is updated if user joined or left the group/raid. The main window is hidden now per default. Added button update to manually update the window.
- If player is already in group the mod will detect it now.
- The complete list is now scrollable.
- Fixed error if more then 10 players are in one class group. Number of players in each class is displayed now. Localisation structure changed.
- The todo list.
- Added button to deactivate the mod, default is deactivated. Disabled message "Joined Raid is called". Added Del button into Load Save template. Corrected spelling error in German localization.
- Removed some debugging messages.
- Corrected small error with arraystart.
- Added an option to disable the wisper if player is already in group. Status from player is removed if the player is removed from the group. Added functionality to save and load current groupsetup. Changed the layout of the main screen.
- Players can now moved to "noGroup". If Add is clicked playerName is checked. If playerName is already in complete list he is skipped. Added function to read the current group setup. Added function to move players in the defined groups.
- Added Id tag.
- Corrected spelling error. Corrected the problem that the player level is not read any more if level is read once.
- Add new keybinding /ai add, also setable in Keybindings. Add docu to .lua file. Missing player information is read now in raid too. Statistics about the raid is diplayed now.
- Fixed bug that group is not dispanded if i leave the group myself.
- Disabled some debugging messages. Move myself to party if invite is clicked. Found second chat message which is printed when i leave the party.
- Finished german localization.
- Added the functionality that players can be added to list, if not in targetrange. Playerinformations are readed as soon as possible.
- Added the functionality that players can be added to list, if not in targetrange. Playerinformations are readed as soon as possible.
- New commands.
- Added functionality which displayes if member is in group, declined the invitation or is in an other group.
- Seems to generate an error if called twice, so ConvertToRaid() is called only once now.
- Added a new function staticDebugMsg(msg) which can be enabled by a normal variable. Disabled some debugging messages. Added a new button to invite as group and as raid.
- The dropdown menu is working fine now. Every player can set to a group, there is a check, if the group is already full.
- Try to insert a drop-down menu for setting up groups.
- Added the / comamnd /ai or /autoinvite. Added bindings, so that over Keybindings in the WoW configuration buttons can be defined.
- Added localisation for the german version of the WoW client.
- Problems with the convert to a raid group is not solved, for now a second click on Invite is necessary.
- Added security check before doing action on not existing player.
- Disabled debugging messages.
- Adapted the size of the window. Added a button to invite the members and convert the group into a raid.
- Started with localisation.
- Modified to make localisation possible. Started with localisation.
- Modified to make localisation possible. Corrected error if clicked on an empty Name.
- Renamed the project.
- Moved files into a new directory for easier handling with WoW.
- Moved files into a new directory for easier handling with WoW.