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  • Uploaded
    Sep 21, 2020
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Supported WoW Retail Versions

  • 8.3.0


r257 | Burstroc | 2020-09-21 07:06:07 +0000 (Mon, 21 Sep 2020) | 1 line
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/BankItems.lua

Update: Added support for upcoming Shadowlands pre-patch changes.
r256 | Burstroc | 2020-09-19 06:54:01 +0000 (Sat, 19 Sep 2020) | 12 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/BankItems.lua
   M /trunk/BankItems.toc

Ticket #39: Updated to consider characters on connected realms as being on your current character's realm.
Update: Checking/unchecking options on the search window will no longer immediately perform a search if the search field is empty to prevent unexpected lag.
Update: If the search results window reaches 2000 lines it will now stop once the character currently being searched is finished leaving additional characters out of the results. This should prevent extended freezing of the game while writing results and will typically only impact searches for single letters or empty strings.
Ticket #91: Added workarounds for blizzard returning item links missing the item name at some point. The search, export, and bank population functions will attempt to fix these bad links as they are found. If any links are unable to be fixed then an error message will be displayed in the search/export results window.
Fixed: Search results will no longer display the equipped bag as being in an item slot #.
Update: Equipped bags will now display before their contents in search results.
Ticket #78: Added a backup to retry initialization at PLAYER_LOGIN if it fails to set selfPlayer at ADDON_LOADED.
Fixed: The Export BankItems results will now recognize battle pets as valid when "Group similar items" is enabled.
Fixed: Reagent bank will now update the main bank is opened in addition to when the contents change and logging in.
Fixed: Deleting a character's data will now always repopulate the appropriate item cache table.
Fixed: Opening data deletion dropdown menus will no longer disable checkboxes on other dropdown menus.
Update: Added new localization phrases to repository.