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531x BankItems/BankItems.lua:3941: attempt to call upvalue 'GetContainerNumSlots' (a nil value)[string "@BankItems/BankItems.lua"]:3941: in function `BankItems_SaveInvItems'[string "@BankItems/BankItems.lua"]:968: in function <BankItems/BankItems.lua:941>
Locals:bagID = nilstartBag = -1endBag = 4_ = nilcount = nillink = nil(for index) = 0(for limit) = 4(for step) = 1bagNum = 0bagString = "Bag0"oldLink = nil(*temporary) = <table> { icon = "Interface\Buttons\Button-Backpack-Up" 12 = <table> { } size = 20}(*temporary) = nil(*temporary) = 0(*temporary) = "attempt to call upvalue 'GetContainerNumSlots' (a nil value)"isBankOpen = falseselfPlayer = <table> { money = 62075579 Bag102 = <table> { } Bag100 = <table> { } Bag101 = <table> { } VerNum = 9000203 Bag3 = <table> { } faction = "Horde" location = "Dalaran" Bag4 = <table> { } Bag0 = <table> { } Bag1 = <table> { } Bag2 = <table> { } Bag104 = <table> { } TOC = 100002 NumBankSlots = 0}format = <function> defined =[C]:-1newTable = <function> defined @BankItems/BankItems.lua:2834GetContainerNumSlots = nilGetInventoryItemLink = <function> defined =[C]:-1delTable = <function> defined @BankItems/BankItems.lua:2841bankPlayer = nilBagContainerAr = <table> {}GetContainerItemInfo = nilICON_Equipped_Items = "Interface\Icons\INV_Shirt_White_01"GetInventoryItemCount = <function> defined =[C]:-1
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