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I know it can be a part of search feature, but I think it can be quite usefull if it could be displayed as a bag.
My idea is to have a bag (virtual one which doesn't exists phisically on any character) that would contain all BoA items from all characters on all realms, so you can easy see all BoA items in one place.
Rules:1.) One same bag displayed on any toon - it's not real bag, content of this bag is always same for all characters.2.) When you open that bag you will see all BoA items you've collected across all toons.3.) Same items will be displayed as stacked (and a stack counter added to icon) - you can have many same items like Timeless Isle gear tokens.4.) In tooltips of items in this bag you will see theirs locations: charname (or charname-realmname if on other realm).5.) Items in that bag would be organised somehow, sorted alphabetically or by slot/type.
Points from 3 to 5 are not mandatory ofc. Would be quite usefull just to have points 1 and 2.
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