#BankItems v9.0.2.3: Change Log
Feb 12, 2021 (r286)
For use with Live Servers v9.0.2.37474
Latest Development Build: Feb 12, 2021 (r286)
Please report any errors with the addon at our issues tracker.
An addon that remembers the contents of your bank, bags, mail, equipped, currency, auction house, void storage and display them anywhere in the world. Also able to remember/display the banks of any character on the same account on any server, as well as searching and exporting lists of bag/bank items out. It will also remember the contents of Guild Banks if you are able to view them.
Type /bi or /bankitems to see what is currently in your bank. You must visit your bank once to initialize.
Type /bigb or /bankitemsgb to see what is currently in your guild bank. You must visit your guild bank once to initialize. Note that Guild Banks are a shared repository and changes can occur to it by other members of your guild.
Read below for other commands.
- CurseForge:
- Project site:
These plugins allow clicking on the panel/plugin icon to open BankItems, giving a summarized view of inventory slots and money of each character on the same realm, and deleting data with the menu quickly.
- LDB plugin for BankItems: BankItems provides a LDB launcher if LibDataBroker-1.1 is detected to be loaded. (built-in)
- /bi : open BankItems
- /bi all : open BankItems and all bags
- /bi allbank: open BankItems and all bank bags only
- /bi clear : clear currently selected player's info
- /bi clearall : clear all players' info
- /bi showbuttun : show the minimap button
- /bi hidebutton : hide the minimap button
- /bi open charname : open bank of charname on the same server
- /bi charname : open bank of charname on the same server
- /bi search itemname : search for items
- /bis itemname : search for items
- /bigb : open BankItems guild bank
- /bi clear : clear currently selected player's info
- /bigb clear : clear currently selected guild's info
Most options are found in the GUI options panel.
Not a bug
If you close your bank after retrieving/storing an item in it too quickly and the server hasn't updated your inventory, BankItems is unable to record the change to your bank when the item actually moves later. The WoW API does not give you any data about your bank once BANK_FRAME_CLOSED
event has fired.
Tooltip information regarding items on the Auction House, Mailbox and Guild Bank(s) may be out of date and thus be inaccurate. They will only be updated on your next visit to the respective places.
Original concept from Merphle
Maintained by JASlaughter, Galmok@Stormrage-EU, and Xinhuan@Blackrock/Barthilas/Frostmourne-US.
In reply to Centias:
Thank you so much
In reply to Centias:
Thank you so much
In reply to Centias:
Thank you so much
In reply to Centias:
Having never used WowUp before, how do I download this through WowUp? In the app itself, I can only see the old Curse version from this page.
If I try to Install from URL and provide the link, it CLAIMS to have installed it, but doesn't actually create the folder for it in the addons directory. Do I have to provide a different link or how does it work?
Thank you @Centias and @BitBasher for keeping it working
Just to let everyone know, Centias and I have got a mega-alpha release of BankItems working with pre-dragonflight WoW release.
It is NOT rock-solid but the basics are working. This is an unofficial release - use at your own risk - your mileage may vary.
See for more info.
In reply to BitBasher:
Trying to also keep a working version near the top of the comments.
Here's the most current version. (updated 11/16)
In reply to Centias:
Ok, that one constant error issue indeed gone, but I get this every time I access and toggle between bank and reagent bank.... Any thoughts?
edit: it is also interfering with ELVUIs bag system somehow.
5x Interface/AddOns/BankItems/BankItems.lua:4886: attempt to call upvalue 'Orig_SetItemSearch' (a nil value)
[string "@Interface/AddOns/BankItems/BankItems.lua"]:4886: in function <Interface/AddOns/BankItems/BankItems.lua:4884>
[string "@Interface/AddOns/ElvUI/Core/Modules/Bags/Bags.lua"]:347: in function <Interface/AddOns/ElvUI/Core/Modules/Bags/Bags.lua:325>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
text = ""
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = ""
(*temporary) = "attempt to call upvalue 'Orig_SetItemSearch' (a nil value)"
filterSearchText = ""
strlower = <function> defined =[C]:-1
Orig_SetItemSearch = nil
In reply to dblanch369:
This reads to me like ElvUI is doing something that is then calling to BankItems, which is then throwing the error.
I don't use ElvUI, so I can't really troubleshoot this one right now.
In reply to Centias:
The ElvUI line might just be a red herring.... I think part of the problem in that function, it that it calls "SetItemSearch" which was just depreciated in 10.0.2. It was replaced with C_Container.SetItemSearch. But honestly, I don't know what else is going on in that function, as to my old eyes, it looks like bad logic (looks to me like an odd way to redefine SetItemSearch as a new function?). Let me know what you think.
Thanks for all your guys help!
Edit: I changed the calls to C_Container.SetItemSearch and the LUA error is no more. I can't say that it is working as intended, but there is no more error that I can find.
In reply to dblanch369:
Funny, my wife uses ElvUI and ran into this error, so I was finally able to find a fix for it, only to come back here and realize you already found the same fix. Glad it worked out, though.
Note: I am not the author, I’ve just used this addon forever and don’t really want to let it die yet.
So with the addition of the Reagent Pouch slot, Blizzard in their infinite wisdom decided to force the Reagent Pouch into slot 5 (0 is backpack, 1-4 are main bags) which forced the bank bags to go from 5 through 11, to 6 through 12.
They also added in a lot of “strict” parameter checks for API calls, which is why a lot of other errors started showing up.
I spent last night and a just a little bit today figuring out how to un-break the addon and get things showing up, and I have it working.
Edit: Someone on the WoW forums pointed out an issue with the reagent bank being erased on login/reload, so I fixed that and have updated the file below.
Here's a link that can be used to download my modified file, at least for now (updated 10/31) :
In 10.0.2 (Beta and Dragonflight going forward, not pre-patch) there are some more changes to how this addon will need to get bag/bank information. I'm not certain this will work for guild bank / void storage yet, but I made some early changes to fix the bag and bank, including the new reagent pouch. With the addition of the reagent pouch, I "demoted" void storage to the smaller buttons above the bank bags to make room for it.
Again, this file is only for the beta and after the game updates to 10.0.2, so don't use this file until then or if you want to try it in the beta, because it probably won't work with the live game. (Updated 11/15 Dragon day)
In reply to Centias:
Gonna test this now. I'll let ya know if I see anything else
In reply to Centias:
Excellent! Works as expected so far. I tried to get it working for 10.0.0 in September and failed, so I'm very happy you have succeeded. I have been 'fixing' BankItems for Classic use.
A bit later: replace text 'GetRecipeReagentItemLink' with 'GetRecipeFixedReagentItemLink'.
In reply to Centias:
THX !!!!!!!
In reply to Centias:
sry again,
unfortunately there is another error
if you hover with the mouse over an item in the blizzard profession window
is there a possibility to fix this as well ?
Message: Interface/AddOns/BankItems/BankItems.lua:6803: attempt to call upvalue 'GetRecipeReagentItemLink' (a nil value)
Time: Fri Oct 28 10:44:20 2022
Count: 1
Stack: Interface/AddOns/BankItems/BankItems.lua:6803: attempt to call upvalue 'GetRecipeReagentItemLink' (a nil value)
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@Interface/AddOns/BankItems/BankItems.lua"]:6803: in function `SetRecipeReagentItem'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_ProfessionsTemplates/Blizzard_ProfessionsRecipeSchematicForm.lua"]:715: in function <...emplates/Blizzard_ProfessionsRecipeSchematicForm.lua:713>
In reply to T4ss:
Was able to find a pretty quick fix for this one:
In BankItems.lua, replace all instances of
In reply to Centias:
This got the actual addon to open, but it still has alot of errors, and the bank bags do not open, just the main bank window. The reagent, void bags, and guild banks will open, but not the bank bags.
Message: Interface/AddOns/BankItems/BankItems.lua:701: attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'bagsShown' (a nil value)
Time: Sat Oct 29 09:45:04 2022
Count: 10
Stack: Interface/AddOns/BankItems/BankItems.lua:701: attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'bagsShown' (a nil value)
[string "@Interface/AddOns/BankItems/BankItems.lua"]:701: in function <Interface/AddOns/BankItems/BankItems.lua:410>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `Click'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/BankItems/BankItems.lua"]:4479: in function `BankItems_OpenBagsByBehavior'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/BankItems/BankItems.lua"]:3584: in function `BankItems_SlashHandler'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/BankItems/BankItems.lua"]:7675: in function <Interface/AddOns/BankItems/BankItems.lua:7674>
Locals: self = BankItems_Bag4 {
Not sure what I'm doing wrong, any tips?
In reply to turbo_tom64:
I'm having a real hard time figuring out what is going on here. As far as I can tell, bagsShown should only be an integer value from 0 to however many inventory / bank bags are open. I can't reproduce the error to try to come up with a fix.
Though you did make me notice that for some reason my mail, equipped, and auction buttons are missing, so something else to sort out.
In reply to turbo_tom64:
I'm seeing this error too. I also can't open any of the bank or bag slots in BankItems. Clicking on them doesn't do anything.
In 10.0.0 pre-patch fyi.
Update: The "Open BankItems bags with Blizzard bags" setting is what will cause the error. It has to be set to see this error message.