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UploadedNov 10, 2022
Size375.01 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 10.0.0
Supported WoW Wrath of the Lich King Classic Versions
- 3.4.0
Supported WoW Classic Versions
- 1.14.3
Supported WoW Burning Crusade Classic Versions
- 2.5.4
4.13.5-12-g47b2039 (2022-11-10)
Full Changelog Previous Releases
- Fix EditMode detection check
- Try to prevent mode editmode updates from running on our buttons
- Add a condition to leave the buttons of some bars alone
- Remove anchor changes in hiding code, unused
- Remove action buttons from their parent action bar
- Factor action button hiding into a function
- Update the unlock overlay frame level to match Edit Mode
- Update the color of the unlock overlay
- Unlock the Bartender bars when entering Edit Mode
- Sort the Text Style tab in front of the Positioning tab
Adjust the default size of the options dialog
A bit more height allows the General Settings bar settings to fit on one
page -
Move text style options to their own tab
This de-clutters the general page and fixes a bug with hiding the "Hide
Hotkey" option